Chapter Twenty Three: Escape From The Inter-World Crossroads

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As the hours passed by, the endless horizon of the inter-world crossroads seemed to stretch on forever and ever. Even aboard their Keyblade Gliders, Ventus, Trish and Kyle were getting tired of roaming this mysterious place aimlessly. "So Dad, what world do you think we'll end up on next?" Kyle asked, feeling curious. Ventus thought about it for a moment, and then he looked back and smiled at Kyle. "Well son, I'm not sure, but wherever we end up, we'll stick together." he said, nodding with determination. At that, Kyle smiled. He then looked at Trish and flew his Keyblade Glider next to her. "Hey Mom, can I ask you something?" he said in a hushed whisper. Trish nodded. "Of course dear. What is it?" she asked, a warm smile crossing her face. "Well...when Dad remembered his you think that it was something unbearably painful? I mean, when he woke up from his state of shock, he had a pained look on his face..." he said, feeling worried for Ventus. Trish outstretched her hand and stroked Kyle's hair and smiled. "Well, whatever it was, the important thing is that he has us by his side."

While she was smiling on the outside, saying those comforting words, on the inside she felt pained as well. She couldn't bear to see Ventus in such pain. She realized that he was doing his best to hide his sorrow, so that she and Kyle wouldn't have to worry about him. But she knew him very well, and for that same reason, she was also masking her sorrow. She felt sad for Ventus, but she had to be strong for him, just like he was being strong for them. With that, she simply nodded and then looked straight ahead. "You'll see, as long as he has us by his side, he'll be all right." she said in a confident tone. Kyle smiled and sighed of relief. "You know what? Your right! You and Dad are both strong, so I'll be strong too!" he said, raising his fist with determination, as he went towards Ventus' side.

For what felt like hours, they kept traversing the vast emptiness of the inter-world crossroads, and they questioned themselves as to how a place like this even existed. But the silence that loomed over them would end abruptly, for the mysterious woman who had led them here appeared before them, with a smirk on her face. "Well, well, well, you three seem to be lost, aren't you?" she asked with delight. "You again! Just who the heck are you!?" Trish barked out as she narrowed her gaze to the mysterious woman. At that, the mysterious woman laughed and then she floated in front of them. "My apologies, how rude of me for not introducing myself. My name is Jexana." she said, her smirk getting on Trish's nerves. Before going any further, the trio got off their Keyblade Gliders and reverted them back into Keyblades.

"What do you want with Ven!?" Trish shouted out as she stood in front of Ventus and Kyle. Jexana simply started walking towards them, calmly and with an air of arrogance and pride surrounding her. "Well, you see, I don't want anything from him. What I want is to have him." she said with a seductive tone. At that, Trish snapped and she lunged forward to attack Jexana. "You ingrate!" she barked out, but as she was about to attack, Jexana simply pushed her away with a gust of wind that sent her flying to the ground. Enraged, Kyle also went in on the offensive, but he too, was taken aback by another gust of wind that Jexana had summoned. Then she put up a barrier so that they wouldn't be able to get in her way, leaving Ventus and herself one on one. "Whatever you do, you aren't going to get to me! My heart belongs to Trish, and I'm not going to fail on her to the likes of you!" Ventus said, ready for battle. Jexana simply huffed and looked at him arrogantly. "Hmph. Stubborn man...well, let's play a little game, shall we?" she said, stretching out her arms upward.

"Let's battle, you and me, one on one. If you win, I'll open a portal so that the three of you can get out from this place. Lose, and you'll belong to me. How does that sound?" she said, looking over to Trish, who was boiling with anger. "You're on! I won't lose to the likes of you! I'll win this for Trish and Kyle!" Ventus said in a defiant tone. Kyle shouted out with his fists held high. "That's right, you show her how it's done Dad!" With that, Jexana closed her eyes. "Very well then. Let's begin." she said. As she raised her left arm upward, a swirling vortex of wind started to form on her hand, causing Ventus to almost fall over because of the force of the winds. When the wind finally stopped, it took shape as a spear, with beautiful yellow carvings. The handle of the spear was black, and Jexana smiled as she swung her spear in a display of power. "Behold the might of my wind spear, Windcutter!" she said with an overconfident tone. "Let's do this!" Ventus shouted out, and with that, the two began their battle in earnest. Trish and Kyle looked on, hopeful that Ventus would win. They knew that he would win. He had to.

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