Chapter Fourteen: Remnants Of The Past

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Cautious but spurred to act, Kyle lunges forward towards the cloaked woman, and she instantly disappears, and then reappears right where Ventus and Trish are fighting. It seems that she wasn't after Kyle. "Mom, Dad, look out!" he screamed, but unfortunately neither of them heard him, as the swarms of Unborn were keeping them occupied. Kyle then shook his head and clenched his fists. "I'm going to have to use the power of the Dark Light! I can't let Mom and Dad get hurt! Not while I can do something about it!" With that, he closed his eyes and started focusing the energy inside him, and he felt an immense aura sweep through his body. Then he put his Keyblade in front of him, and he poured his energy into it, and as he opened his eyes, a bright yellow gleam emanated from them, and in seconds he unleashed his feral form. Before anyone could even notice, Feral Kyle had already dispatched a countless number of Unborn, clearing the battlefield greatly. The cloaked woman took notice and felt the energy that Feral Kyle was emanating, and she turned back and smirked.

"Ah, so this one's power comes out when provoked. Interesting..." she said as she walked towards Ventus and Trish, who were both taking out the remaining Unborn. As Trish took out a great many of them, she glanced over her shoulder and noticed Kyle in his feral form. "Ventus, look!" After dodging the Unborn's strikes and defeating the rest, Ventus looked over to where Trish had pointed, and he saw it too. "The Dark Light." Then both of them were swiped over to the other side of the battlefield, almost falling into the swampy waters. When they looked up, they saw the cloaked woman, smiling. "My, hasn't it been a long time Ventus?" At that, Ventus made a puzzled look. "How do you know my name!?" The woman said nothing, for she simply kept smiling. "It's a shame you have to be on their side. Oh well..."

Before delivering a devastating blow to them both, Feral Kyle swooped in and blocked her attack with his Keyblade. "There's no way you'll hurt my family!" he said with a growl. "Now back off unless you want me to tear you apart!" he said as he swung his Keyblade towards the cloaked woman. For a few seconds, only an eerie silence remained, and then the woman, with a satisfied look on her face, raised her hand and made all the Unborn stop in their tracks. Then, without a word, they disappeared, and soon after she did as well. Ventus, Trish and Kyle were wary of the situation, knowing full well that things could turn on them in the blink of a second. After seeing that the woman and the Unborn were indeed gone, they felt relieved and unsummoned their Keyblades.

Feral Kyle reverted back to normal, and he looked at Ventus and Trish with a concerned look on his face. "Guys, why was that woman after you two?" Trish shook her head. "I'm not sure, but we need to go to the city and find Naveen and the others before she heads over there to take them out!" They all nodded in unison, and so they went running towards the city, even though they didn't know where it was. As they looked upwards towards the sky, they noticed thunder and lightning crackling in the distance, but it seemed ominous, as if boding an ill omen. Kyle instantly knew that's where they were headed. "Guys, follow me!" And so, they picked up the pace, not taking a single moment to rest, all their energy determined to get to their friends before the worst could happen. The more they ran, the more they noticed the swamp opening up, and soon they saw the city in the horizon. "We're getting there, come on, we're almost there!" Trish said, feeling breathless for a moment. After a few minutes, they finally arrived in the city, and rain had started to fall on them. Then Ventus noticed something.

"Look, over there!" Ventus said, pointing towards a corner of the street where he saw Tiana being cornered by someone. Trish clenched her fists. "That must be the Shadow Man!" Without hesitation, they went headfirst towards Tiana's aid, and suddenly, shadows that were in the ground held them tight in place. As Kyle looked down, he saw that the shadows were smiling! Then the Shadow Man turned around and smirked. "Oh, so your those friends that Tiana had told me seems you think you can save her." Kyle waved his hand in determination and glared at him. "We don't think, we know!" With that, the Shadow Man laughed full heartedly, and then he put his hands behind his back. "Well, since you feel so strongly about that, let me and my friends from the other side teach you a lesson in not meddling in my affairs!" he said with an evil grin. At the snap of his fingers, his shadows were just about to attack, but Trish managed to free their hold over them and then shot a beam of light to the ground. The shadows disappeared instantly but reappeared near the Shadow Man.

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