Next door

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hey guys

I guess this is a long chapter but I do hope you enjoy it anyway. Sorry for making you wait and any errors you might find (please tell me if you do).


I couldn’t answer his question, for I had no idea what I was going to do myself.

Do you think they’re going to let us stay for a while? My leopard asked.

I hope so, I haven’t thought about where to go yet. I mean of course there is no chance of going back. I answered her.

“That’s okay. You can stay here for as long as you want.” The Alpha said and I just stared at him, my mind refusing to understand the words he had just spoken.

He turned and disappeared between the trees. My mind finally taking the words, flooded me with relief and my eyes started to water. I had not realised how much tension had built up in me, but it threatened to overwhelm me.

The girl that the Alpha had called Nelly came towards me, smiling curiously.

“We agreed that you could sleep at my place for a while, if that is okay with you?”

“Yes.” I answered breathless, tears running down my checks, but I did not want to admit that sleeping at someone’s place was more than I had expected.

She hooked her arm into mine, my skin gently prickling at her touch, and we walked slowly behind the others. I wasn’t watching were we went, instead I watched the girl that seemed so full of energy and happiness. She had wild, short brown hair and green eyes.

“How old are you Ava?”

“I… I’m…” I couldn’t manage a sentence and after a few more tries I gave it up and focused on the one number that she asked for.

“Sixteen.” Finally managing to speak it.

“I’m thirteen.” She said, smiling at me. I tried to give her a smile back, but I guess it ended up in a grimace and it faded as soon as I saw the large village in front of us. If Nelly hadn’t been leading me, I would have stopped and stared. The village was partially built on a wide beach and was entirely larger compared to the wolves.

I was completely captured by the dark view of the beach and the sea, until now I only saw pictures of them.

“It’s quite late so we better get into the house.” Nelly said, but I hardly heard her. I was concentrating on watching and listening to the waves.

“Hey are you here?” She snapped her fingers in front of my face and I jumped.

“W-What?” Fear pierced through my mind, when I noticed that I had been blacking out.

“Don’t look so scared! I only said that it’s getting late and we should get inside, but you can stay here if you want to.” She answered indignantly and I grimaced again, trying to smile, but the fear had remained in me tightly.

“Oh come on!” She pulled me inside the house that we had been standing in front of. Stepping inside she called:

“Mom we’re home.”

“What took you so long? All the others where back in… Oh, you didn’t mention that she was coming here strait away.” Nelly’s mom was a small woman with nearly black hair and the same green eyes like her daughter. She was a little chubby, so I assumed that she was human nature.

“Henry thought it might be better after all.” Answered Nelly to her mother’s accusation and the small women immediately disappeared in a room close to the entrance. As she reappeared she addressed me:

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