Hayes (first kiss)

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*at school*
"Hey Abby wait up" my friend Emily called
"Oh hey em what's up"
"Nothing much just at school worst part of a childhood but hey we gotta go cause it's the law right!?" She yelled while everyone turned and looked at laughed with us at her comment
"Right you are Emily" I laughed
"Hey Abby Emily wait up" I heard someone yell and that someone I know all to well my bestfriend Hayes Grier
"Oh hey Hasey poo what's up" I said and we all laughed
"Nothin just walkin with my 1st bestfriend and 2nd bestfriend
"And who's first" Emily asked with sass
"Well of course it's you dumbo" he's said laughing
"I'm hurt" I yelled while fake crying
"Haha it's okay Abby at least you get to say I am your bestfriend and you're my bestfriend that's a privilege okay" Hayes said
"Ya okay more like the other round buddy boiiiiii" I yelled and everyone just looked at me funny we all just started laughing see me and Hayes have been best friends since I moved here when I was 4 and since then we have only grown closer and closer each day now we are 15 and still friends (sorry if you're not 15) and I sorta like him ALOT and "I don't want to tell him and make it awkward and all that stuff cause then what if he doesn't like me back or what if he doesn't want to be friends anymore after I tell him then that would be out whole friendship down the drain that would really suck so the only people that know is me and Emily and I know Emily won't tell ANYONE she is good at keeping secrets "
"Done thinkin yet Abby" Emily said
"Oh um yeah sorry... Just zoned out a little haha"
"What were you thinking about anyways" Hayes asked
"Oh nothing just something stupid" I responded
"Oh okay well I wanted to ask you Abby can you come over tonight and help me study" Hayes asked
"Oh yeah for sure" I said back
"Okay thanks see you after school we can walk together" he yelled while walking off
"Okay bye hasey poo see you later" I yelled back
"So are you going to tell him that you like him tonight" Emily whispered to me
"I don't really know do you think I should" I asked
"Yes totally he deserves to know that you secretly have a gigantic kg huge crush on him" she laughed
"Haha okay I will bye em"
"Bye abs"
*after school*
Me and Hayes walked back to his house together
"Hey Hayes can I tell you something" I asked looking on his eyes
"Yeah sure what is it ab"
"Well I like you" I blurted out
"Really..." Hayes asked
"Yeah but I can see you don't like me back" I said looking down
He lifted my chin up and kissed me I was Hayes griers first ever kiss and he meant it he likes me after we kissed he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes of course I did haha

Hope you liked it new update on Saturday

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