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For janelle

Me and jack went out today and we went to get ice cream and a boy was checking out my butt so jack turned around and punched him well I had to pry him off of the guy and I told jack he was over reacting and he freaked out and ran home and I ran after him and he turned around and said leave me the fuck alone just go I stood there in shock of what he just said I turned and ran as far as I could I knew he was following me so I took a sharp turn for a ally way and he came in and I yelled at him and he slapped me I looked at him wide eyed holding my cheek I just looked at him and he fell down I took that as my chance to run so I ran as fast as I could and turned around to see no one I sat on the curb and cried and realized I had no where to go so I ran to the park and sleep in a tree but woke up to someone walking below me I looked down and it was jack all red eyed which were also puffy as hell and he looked horrible pale and just not himself he sat himself under the tree and started to cry really hard when said why why are you so stupid why are you such a bad person a bad boyfriend and horrible son and brother you should just die just do it no one loves you anymore and the love of your life is now Mia because of you you're a stupid retarded un caring idiot he cryer even harder I felt as if I was breaking my heart was shattered seeing him like this beating himself up because of me I whispered no you're not he looked around and said janelle where are you you said up here he looked up and looked as if he had seen a ghost he said please come down please as many tears slid down his cheeks you climbed down and he helped you when you finally got down you looked at him in the eyes they were bloodshot and you seen hurt in his eyes and he said please don't be mad at me I didn't mean it you were right I was over reacting and I didn't mean to slap you I'm a horrible boyfriend I mean you can leave me if you want I looked at him and said jack and grabbed on to his cheek and wiped the tears away I would never ever leave you I love you way to much and I should have told him to stop I didn't mean to offend you but I did and no you're not a horrible boyfriend you're an amazing boyfriend and I love you so so much and don't ever beat yourself up because of me and never ever ever say you should kill yourself because if you die in dying with you ok and he said I love you so much janelle so i said I love you too and we walked home hand and hand and went to bed in each other's arms

I hope you like it

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