There were eyes...
Grey, blue, green, black....
But they were empty..
In the vast expanse of that city,
Every eye encountered was lifeless...I had turned away from the fate
Entrusted to me, entitled as mine...
A name, and a status, in addition,
To the lover called fame...I chose this life,
This mundane and slow, unexciting
Excuse for an existence,
In the same city, where I was
Once an uncrowned crown prince...Stiff shirts and collars were replaced,
Slacks and leather shoes soiled,
I adorned shabby checked shirts,
And jeans faded beyond recognition...
From riches to rags I travelled....I was once suffocated by the crowd around,
Fawning, adoring, admiring....
I chose, to be suffocated by this crowd now,
Suffocated, because they ignored my existence,
Because I was negligible here...
Suffocated, because I chose to be ignored...There were eyes all around this city,
Panicked, guilt stricken, unassuming...
All in a hurry, not stopping long enough
To risk me a glance...
But they were all lifeless...My eyes were lifeless once,
I controlled the crowd then,
And often let the crowd control me....
Now I am free..
Abandoned yet free...and my eyes,
They were alive...I saw people now...I saw pain,
I watched days pass by,
I watched people lose their grasp,
On what matters, on the reason why
They slaved away for hours...But I had a firm grip on life,
Because I let the current decide,'
My destination...
And I chose to smile today,
Rather than frown so as to smile tomorrow...
Because I was scared, maybe, I wouldn't be able to smile,
Fear and dark, cold, reality permanently etched into my eyes...I have no reason so as to smile today,
But I believe, my choice is reason enough...
And I smile...because in this city,
Where lifeless eyes with fear and concern swarming,
My eyes, they come alive, with pleasure...
Pleasure, that I am aloof...
Pleasure, that I am not scared...
Pleasure, that I chose my pleasure...
My pleasure to smile today...-A.N.