Chapter 1- Life of a slave

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A/N: Hello everyone, i'm going to make this quick..... This is my first story ever so don't dis it. It might contain swear words... so just deal with. Just letting you know, I DON'T tolerate HATERS! if you're gonna judge it, i suggest you keep it to yourself! Thank You! Enjoy the story!

Chapter 1- Emilia POV

I wake up crying. I just can't get over the fact that my parents are dead, I have no siblings either. I'm a burden to everyone, I live with a different family in the pack each week. Let me explain, My name is Emilia Lynn rae. You can just call me Emilia or Em or lia (le-ah). I just wish I had my parents with me. If only I could talk to them even once...


I wake up to the noise of growling and howls everywhere. I try looking for my parents, but I can't find them anywhere. I go outside, I know, I know, a 10 year old shouldn't go anywhere near a fight especially one that involves werewolf's. All of my pack members are outside fighting a big group of rogues. I just sneak around trying to get a glimpse of my parents but I succeed to no avail. Somehow I end up being in the middle of forest and.... there they were. Surrounded by at least 17 wolves. I was just silently watching them until one of the rogues started sniffing the air. He found me! My parents started sniffing as well trying to find out what the rogue smelt. Then they finally realised it was me. They mind linked me " Run em, RUN! don't look back and don't care about us. Just run away from them." Normally I would've done as they said but i couldn't find it in me to go away, in fact i couldn't even turn around. The wolf that smelt me, started slowly stalking towards me. I tried to move back but my body was frozen. The rogue started getting closer and closer but I couldn't move.

All of a sudden out of no where, my dad came in front of me and started growling viciously to anyone who came within a 2 metre radius. It was more vicious than I had ever heard him growl, I shrank back in fear. It was such a pity that we couldn't shift till we were 15. If only I could shift, I would be able to help dad. My mum was just left there and the other half of the group started to surround her. I feel bad for my dad. He was having an inner battle with himself of who he should prioritise of saving, me or my mum. While he was having his inner battle one of the rogues bit him on his hind leg. I screamed, I screamed so loud, I swear that the rogues flinched because of their sensitive hearing.

One of their ear started bleeding and they somehow bleed to their death. My dad however was used to my screams as it didn't affect him in any way. My mum was furious that they harmed her mate. I couldn't believe that my mum killed like 10 wolves in about 5 minutes. That must explain their bond and how strong their love was and the extreme measures mum would go to save mine and dad's lives. Apparently I wasn't the only one to realise this as dad did too. He got distracted for a milli second and the rogues took this as an advantage and started attacking him. Even though dad was the alpha of our pack, he couldn't deal with it all. He had me, mum and himself to keep out of harms way. Though he wouldn't care of what happened to him as long we live.

The rogues who attacking got torn away from my dad by my raging mum. Rage doesn't even come close to how angry mummy felt right now. This went on for a couple more minutes till they had killed mum. By now I knew that dad only didn't give into them and get killed because he had me to protect. It was also at this time that my body decides to push me to run, run away faster than I had ever ran!

*after the battle*

I ran back to the place that my parents were fighting only to find everyone dead. Just because I didn't shift doesn't mean I have enhanced senses. I could smell and feel that no one that was there was no one alive, not even my parents.

My parents were dead, My parents were dead, My parents were dead, Was all that went on in my brain. It wasn't until after I kept repeating it for a while did it sink in. When I just suddenly realised it, a wave of emotions came over me. They were sadness, loneliness, anger and most of all the feeling of depression. I just broke down into the most heart wrenching, gut breaking sobs. I cried my self to sleep in that exact same spot. The next day, I woke up and i was in the attic of our pack house. i went downstairs to get something to eat and to see what would happen to our pack. The most heart breaking thing was that my dad's beta took over the pack until I was of age. The thing which makes it bad was because our beta was power hungry that he didn't care of anyones being. Since that day, some people look down on me because my parents died because of and now they have to deal with the beta while the other look down at me for being the daughter of the 'weak' alpha's. Though everyone is just like, you should've died with them.

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