Chapter 2- I Finally Shifted!

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This is it, the moment i step into school. I may be calm on the outside but i can't say the same for inside.  I smell all the different smells but none of which is my mates. how do i know you ask? well, thing is your mates scent is supposed to be the most appealing scent and you just can't get enough of it. It calms you down instantly and comforts you. Well as you can tell, I obviously haven't found him. Everyone says that you'll find them before you shift so they can help you shift because they shift at 13.  It's sexist right? I know, tell me about it. I am not one of those people just because they get treated bad, cower away from everyone and everything normal us would do. I keep defending for my position as a student. I don't deal with their crap. Just like dad said, don't show your enemies your weakness.  So i follow his footsteps. So you can tell, i act like a normal teenager except the fact that i'm not normal in anyway. first of all, i'm a werewolf, 2nd thing- i'm an alpha's daughter, 3rd of all- an alpha daughter that gets mistreated and dead alpha parents since i was 10.  Anyway, it's time to get to pastoral (a/n: homeroom or whatever you call it in your part of the world). My pastoral teachers name is Mr. Drill. Well his full name is adrian drill. He is very nice to me but really assholey and bitchy to everyone else.   I went and sat in the back corner of the class. That way no one would notice me (or so i though but they already noticed me the second i stepped into the school). 

" Happy birthday Emilia, I hope that EVERYONE treats you RIGHT today." he said, emphasising 'everyone and right'. He looked at everyone when he everything but happy birthday. " thank you sir, i hope too." i said. " No, bitch you don't deserve to even have a birthday slut." A guy in my class said, his name is carlos.  He was like Damien's  BEST friend, so np surprise there. " hey, talk for yourself cunt. For your information I'm still a virgin. Yes, i said it. I'm happy and proud to be a virgin. At least i saved myself for my mate." I said. " if i find him and he accepts me." I mumble the last part but i know they heard it because their werewolves, what did you expect. " yeah, you got the last part right bitch." he said amused. " my work here is done, sir can i go to my next class now?" Carlos asked. " Since when did you care if you went to class or not? Anyway why do i care? You can, but only if you're going to your class. i will ask that teacher later too see if you were there on time or if you just went out of class to do whore around. You may leave now. " Mr. drill said. i know, he isn't like your typical teacher, thats why i like him. Not that way you dirty minded people. Well i am too, because i wouldn't have said if i didn't think of that as well. ooops, my bad, i'm such a hypocrite. " Miss rae, could you please stay back? Thank you. Everyone you may now leave and go to your next/first class." he said. " yes sir."  I quietly mumble. Once everyone left i started talking. (a/n: E= emilia, D= Mr.Drill). 

E: "Yes, sir. Why did you want to talk to me privately."   D: " please call me Mr.Drill, I called you to talk about today."  E: " what about today, it's only my birthday which means i'll be shifting. That's all there is." D: " well did you find your mate?"  E: "no Mr.drill" D: "well if you haven't then why don't we mate, that way i can help you through shifting and you will be pleasured throughout you life and for the rest of it as well." EEEEEEEWWWWWWWW! i though! that is disgusting. What on earth makes him think that i'll agree too that asshole. Well, now i know why he's alway nice to me.  E: "No thank you sir. Now if you would excuse me, i have to be somewhere."      D: " your loss. You will pay for rejecting me you bitch of a mate." E: "um.... excuse me SIR, but you aren't my mate and if your i would reject you stay single for life than be mated to someone who is 20 years older" D: " i would watch what you're saying kid. And by the way i'm only like 32. Thats not that old." E: " your age is double mine. Anyway i have to go!"                                                                            

I run out of the classroom. My god! Who does he think he is? Fucking pedophile. I run till i'm at the clearing near the river that leads to the ocean if you follow it. No one knows it's here except me and my parents of course. We found this place earlier on the day that they died.  I reached there in like 5 mins even though it was like 100km away. I don't know why but i have always had more enhanced senses than everyone else around the world. I never understood why. I am special that way but i don't get why the moon goddess chose ME of all people. Well i guess i'll just have to find out. I was brought out of my thoughts when an........... EXPLOSION of pain erupted from my body. I just fell to ground curling up in a tight ball. I could feel my bone cracking very slowly. it hurts like a motherfucking bitch and whore. I could feel each little movement on the inside of my body. Let me just tell you, IT SO MUCH! it hurt a motherfucking bitch fucking with  a motherfucking cunty whore. That doesn't even start to describe. All the shifting movement is moving soo slowly it's like my life is in slow motion.

~ 4 hours later~

Finally, the shifting prep finished. I just stay still and relaxed and let my new wolf combine with me and waited to actually shift. I found where my wolf was hiding in my brain and slowly comforted her and made sure she was comfortable with me and wasn't scared or hurt. Then I focused on how to join her with me. After like 5 minutes of concentrating we finally became one. " let's do this. Are you ready"  Emerald my wolf asked me. " yes i am, lets shift!" i replied back energetically.  Well can you blame. I was going to shift for the first time. 

I am now in my wolf form. Not even 5 second later, a burst of flame came of my coat of fur and spread around me. Making the whole area around me on fire. it looked like a bomb exploded here. Well at least i didn't make a big noise. phew. I was confused on why that happened but the first thing i have to do was make the fire go out.  I was just thinking of a way to transform the water from the lake to the all around me when all of a sudden that water in lake just flew through the air and put the flames out. THAT WAS COOL! i thought. " yeah it was wasn't it? emerald asks me. " it definitely was" i say. " now care to explain why i can do this? Is there anything else i can do? Am i going to die? Am i in danger? Am i even a werewolf or am i a werewitch?" I ask her. " okay okay calm down. I will tell, but just not right now, you need to rest." she says. " where?" i ask her. " right here. I will be awake, you have to let me take control. I promise i won't do anything but defend us!" she promises. "okay, but you have to tell me once i wake up." I tell her.

a/n: I am so sorrry i didn't update for a long time.... Its just that i had like 8 assignment to finish off and they were all due at the same time. Sorry for the inconvenience. Any way i hope you liked it. Please comment, vote and like. Also if you haven't already, follow me!

Chocolate_Loverrr101 Signing out!

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