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Nikolai made Katherine wear an amulet. He couldn't fight easily if he constantly worried over her safety. The amulet wouldn't allow creatures of darkness to touch her.

He walked towards the only lit streetlight. Once he stood under it, he pulled out a platinum dagger from a hidden pocket in his coat. He looked around, his eyes scanning the area. Of course he wouldn't be able to see a creature so easily but, even the slightest sound or movement would indicate where it is.

"Come out. I'm already aware of your presence." Nikolai called out. He hoped the creature had some guts.

Some time passed and nothing happened. Nikolai sighed and loosened his tie. "Have it your way then." He said before dropping on his knees.

Nikolai took his shirt off and threw it aside. He closed his eyes and when he opened them back, they weren't their normal colour. His eyes had turned silver-like.

Katherine watched from the car as Nikolai's form changed, turning him into a monster. She covered her mouth as she watched with teary eyes. "Dan.." She whispered.

Nikolai was no longer the man he seemed, he had turned into a demon. He could see all the creatures around him that weren't visible to him before. They all looked at him in fear. Though, they were creatures of darkness, they wouldn't back out so quickly. Not when they wanted Katherine so much.

Nikolai charged towards the creatures and swung his dagger at them. He wounded them quickly. He would have shown restraint had he not been under control. He usually wouldn't use his demonic form for the fear of losing control. He hated to be controlled.

"Alkalav shi'von." He spoke monotonously. The creatures let out shrieks of pain as he tore through them, black blood coating his arms.

He tore through the last creature's chest and grabbed it's heart. The dark being cried out in pain and begged him to let go. He would have let go but he couldn't take control over himself.

"You dare threaten whoever is with me?" Nikolai spoke. Darkai, release control, A voice spoke in his head. No longer did Nikolai appear on the outside. It was Darkai.

Darkai laughed menacingly and squeezed the heart in his palm, destroying it.

The dark being fell to the ground. The now demon walked back to the car after he grabbed his shirt and tie. Katherine looked at him in fear. She didn't know how to react. It was obvious the person in front of her now was not the person she had met.

"You. You will help this body. I must take my leave now." He spoke coldly. He said some unknown words before passing out. Katherine gasped and pulled him up. She sat him down into the passenger seat and ran towards the driver's side.

"What did I get myself into?" She gritted out before she sped off to her house.

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