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Mia's POV

Kay exclaimed from the other side of the door.

I looked down and realized that over half of the water had drained out of the tub. The stopper was old, but i, as a college student with no support, couldn't afford to buy a new one.

"I'm getting out gimme a second."
I replied to Kay.

I heard her groan.

As i dried off, i remembered the essay. F? Really? I got mad all over again. Then my mind was made up. In the morning, i would go straight to his office and confront him about this. I wrapped my hair in a towel and threw some shorts and a tee shirt on. I quickly washed my face and brushed my teeth and opened the door to a distressed Kay.

"Next time you decide to occupy this incredibly necessary room for almost three hours, please, let me know before you do so i can find another bathroom... Thank you."
She retorted pushing past me.

I called after her.

//next morning//

I slept through my alarm yet again, and im 15 minutes late. Lecture starts in about 5 minutes and it takes 10 to walk all the way to the other building. I quickly threw my hair into a messy bun and slapped some mascara and eyeliner on. I freshened up with some deodorant and perfume and put on some skinny jeans and a sweatshirt that may or may not have been washed in the last week.

When i arrived at the lecture hall, Mr. Clifford's door was already closed. He keeps his door locked, so i had no choice but to interrupt yet again.

i knocked and his head snapped in my direction. A slight smile picked at his lips as he headed for the door.

He opened it and motioned his hand for me to come in.

"Mia, late again!"

He put his hands on my shoulders and lead me to the middle of the room.

"Winston, come here."
He got the nerd from the front row to come stand next to me.

"Now, which if these is the model student?"
He asks squeezing my shoulder.

Four students raise their hands.

He calls on the kid in the corner.

Luke has liked me for years. We went to high school together, and he hasn't been shy about letting me know his feelings. Sorry to say, they're unrequited.

"Uh, well what kind of model do you mean 'cause Mia's pretty model-esque if you ask me i mean-"

Mr. Clifford cut him off.

"Mr. Hemmings that will be enough of that, thank you. James, care to take a guess?"

James looked at me, then looked at Winston.
James is one of my good friends. I nodded at him to indicate that i wouldnt be hurt if he answered the way he was supposed to.

"Um, sir, Winston is the model student."
He answered quietly.

"And why is that?"
Mr. Clifford, now playing the devils advocate, inquired.

"Well, Winston does what he's supposed to, like all the time. And Mia, um, Mia's always late and her work could use a little more...."
He thinks for the right word.

Mr. Clifford offers.

James looks away.

"Yes, see me after class Mia. We need to talk."

He pushes me and Winston in the direction of our seats.

"Now look this way, we will be looking deeper into Abegg's Rule."

//after class//

When the lecture was over, i walked up to Mr. Clifford, more infuriated than i had been before.

"Mia! Follow me."
Waving his hand in his direction.

I walked towards him and he turned and stepped off of his platform. He lead me into his office and pulled out a plush red chair for me to sit in.

I ask very simply.

"Why? Why what? Why is the earth round? Why can't we have everything we dream of? Why what?  Simply 'why' is too broad of a question to be answered. Elaborate."
He retorted.

I rolled me eyes and let out a sigh. He seemed to be pleased that he was making me angry.

"Why did you fail me? Why do you find humor and pure joy in public humiliation?"
I finally responded.

"Why do you write so poorly? Why do you insist in being late to my lectures?"
He asked shaking his head.

I tried to reply, but he cut me off.

"Mia, it's just as frustrating for me as it is for you, but i think that we're going to have to do some tutoring. If you meet me on the roof of the Language building, i'll be sitting at the table with a view. Meet me there and we can fix this tragic, awful essay you've somehow come up with."
He spits with a smile.

"And how is this going to benefit me?"
I ask tapping my fingers on his desk.

"You can turn it back in for a better grade. Maybe."

I ask.

"Ah ah ah. That's the end of this conversation. Meet me there or don't, it's up to you Mia."
With this, he shooed me out of his office and locked the door behind me.

I'm confused. Why 'maybe'? Why does he want to meet me on the roof instead of the library where he normally does study/tutor sessions? There are too many "why"'s about this man. It's perplexing.

|| hey guys!! Please let me know what you think of this! Your feedback means a lot to me! In the next chapter, stuff is gonna start happening i promise! I cant guarantee that i'll update regularly because of school but i can promise that i will try my hardest to update this once or twice a week!! If you love it, or even enjoyed it in the slightest, then you should vote for it!! Thank you guys so much!  <3 .•Madie•. ||

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