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Part 2- Luke

When the paramedics arrived on scene, they pushed me out of the way and intubated Mr. Clifford.

I walked out of the small, overly crowded bathroom and joined the rest of the class.

I thought about whether i should tell them why he was passed out or not. I looked around, and decided that it wasn't my place.

I gathered my things, and headed to Mia's dorm.


I sat on my bed trying to find a new series on Netflix to get into. I wasnt expecting Luke for another hour.

I heard a knock on the door. Confused, i called out,
"Who is it?"

He sounded distressed.

I got up and unlocked the door to reveal a ghastly white boy.

"What happened?"
I asked pulling him into the room.

"Mr. Clifford he uh... He yeah, uh he passed out in class and we called the paramedics and it was bad. I think he overdosed Mia.."

I was stunned speechless.

I questioned.

Luke nodded and sat down on my bed, burying his face between his knees.

We sat in silence for a few minutes, and i took a seat next to Luke.

"I was the one who went to check on him in the bathroom.. He disappeared for like ten minutes and we were all confused.. He was just laying there... He was so pale Mia it's terrifying."

I put my hand on his shoulder and my thoughts carried my elsewhere.

'why would he do this?'
I thought.



Mia and I sat in silence for a while, and it got too much for me to handle. I needed some time to think.

I excused myself, and decided to take a walk.

I walked all over campus, passing the english building last. I stared at the monstrosity for a moment, then against my will, my legs carried me into the hallway. I walked into Mr. Clifford's room and headed for the bathroom.

When i opened the door, which was already ajar, i scanned the room for anything else i could find that could shed some light on this mystery.

I walked to the mirror and looked at myself, disappointed im my appearance as always.

Upon closer examination, i realized that there were hinges  on the mirror.

I pried it open, and there was a large pill bottle, and a box of razors. There was a small bottle of vodka that he'd laid sideways to fit onto the shelf.

I picked up the pill bottle and shook it.



Prescribed for chronic schizophrenia.

"Oh my God."

I spoke to myself.

I put the bottle in my pocket and headed back to Mia's place. This was definitely important.


I ran like i'd never run before.

Everything around me was a blur, and all i could focus on was the bigger picture.

This whole 'Mr. Clifford Mystery' is like being handed a one thousand piece jigsaw puzzle with no picture to reference.

When i finally got to Mia's dorm, i knocked frantically and called her name.

"Back so soon!"
She exclaimed.

I took the bottle out of my pocket and shoved it in her direction.

"Risperdal.... Prescribed to...?"

"Mr. Clifford."


"Chronic Schizophrenia."

Mia looked at the bottle, shook it like i did, and then read the warning label.

"Side effects: headache, dizziness, drowsiness, feeling anxious, stomach pain... All line up with Mr. Clifford.."
She observed.

"Mia, we've found something. A big thing. Mr. Clifford has Schizophrenia. It makes so much more sense now..."

Mr. Clifford

When i regained full conscience, i felt these overwhelming pains in my head and my stomach.

It didn't work.

I looked around and realized that i was in a hospital, and i had been hooked to numerous IV's.

A nurse entered my room, looking down at a clipboard. She sighed loudly, then looked up.

"Oh! You're awake! We've been waiting on you Michael. How are you feeling?"

She asked with evident surprise in her voice.

"I'm in lots of pain."

I said suppressing the threatening tears.

I had no desire to be here. I'm supposed to be dead right now.

"You overdosed on your daily dose of Risperdal. Intentional or not, you'll be spending six weeks in the rehabilitation wing of the hospital."
She informed me.

"It's not my first rodeo. I know the drill."
I retorted bitterly.

Six weeks in rehab.

Six weeks i should be dead.

|| changed the plot up a bit lol sorry. What do you guys think??? Thanks for reading, ilyasm! .•Madie•. ||

ChemistryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora