He Yelled

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Michael's POV

Mia asked question after question... She was relentless. I normally try to keep a very formal composure around her, and all of my students, but seeing as my appearance was that of a Neanderthal, i gave up on that.

"you didn't answer the why part."
She replied.

When will this interrogation be over?

""It's hard to be around you so much and i need a break. They go crazy when i see you and then i'm left in solitude. I needed a break."
I blurted without thinking.

She asked in a very confused tone.

"Um, no me. Uh. I think this is over now i'll show you to the door."
I panicked.

"No, i know perfectly well where the door is. Michael who are 'they'?"

She continued.

I let my head fall backwards as i exhaled deeply.

"Mia i simply misspoke."
I answered.

"No i don't think so. You didn't catch yourself even after you said it. Who are 'they'?"
She asked a little more persistently.
I was growing more and more agitated with every question.

I exploded, pointing at the door.

"Mr. Clifford.."
She whined, rising quickly from her seat and heading for the door.

"I'm sorry, Mia, i-"
And the door closed.

Again, i've messed it up. I always do, i don't know why i'm even still here. Why do i try?

Mia's POV

So much happened last night. Between Luke and Mr. Clifford, there's enough problems for a whole country, and i'm caught in the middle of it all. I laid in my bee staring at the ceiling. I looked over at my clock and realized that there was no way i'd make it on time today and I'm not willing to deal with Mr. Clifford this morning. I got my phone out to let Luke know

Mia: hey luke im not gonna be there this morning. Feel free to stop by my place after the lecture.

Luke: why aren't you comimg?

Mia: long story. Stop by after?

Luke: sure.

Mia: bring food.

I sat my phone on my night stand and took a look around mine and Kay's room. Thank God Kay has early morning classes or she'd be asking a million questions about why i'm not going.

Then i realized,

That's what i had done to Mr. Clifford.

That's why he yelled.

I was being nosy about his personal life, and i should have just let it slide.

Mr. Clifford is a mystery, and I'm going to dig deeper.

Luke's POV

Mr. Clifford was sitting at his podium this morning with his right hand massaging his temples.

"You alright Mr. Clifford?"
I asked when i walked in.

"Yeah, just... Stressed i guess."
He replied.

"I can relate."
I replied as i took my usual seat in the back.

The room filled in, and the lecture began.

"Alright class, today we'll be furthering our knowledge on the periodic table. As Chemistry majors, you should all have this memorized, but we're going to be looking at it even deeper."
He stood, but leaned heavily on his podium.
He held up a finger and ran to his hallway.

We all looked at each other.

"What was that about?"
James asked.

"Maybe he's getting something to show us?"
Winston offered.

Everyone started conversations amongst themselves.

Ten minutes later, he hadn't returned.

"Should someone check on him?"
A girl in the back asked.

"Uh, i will?"
I replied hesitantly.

I got up and walked across the room. It felt wrong to go into the small hallway that led to his personal bathroom and his office.

I looked in the window of his office, but he wasnt there. I knocked just in case.

No answer.

"Mr. Clifford?"
I asked

Again, no answer.

I knocked on the bathroom door knowing that's the only other place he could be. No answer.

I tried to open the door, but it was locked.

I walked back into the room and looked in the drawer on his podium for his keys.
I found them under a notebook that read:

For Mia-

On the front. Odd. I took the small notebook and put it in my pocket to give to Mia, since he wasn't going to see her today.

I grabbed the keys and darted for the bathroom once more.

I fumbled with the keys trying to find the right one. The small black one, oddly enough, was it.

"Mr. Clifford?"
I asked as i opened the door.

I saw him slumped in the corner, unconscious.

"Mr. Clifford! Come on man."
I said as i tapped his face lightly. I checked for a pulse, and it was steady.

"Call and ambulance!"
I screamed so the class would hear me.

He opened his eyes slightly and moaned, crinkling his nose and gripping his stomach.

"Mr. Clifford stay with me."
I said as i ran my fingers through his hair.

I positioned him flat on his back with his head in my lap and just waited for an ambulance.

I know an overdose when i see one.

|| this was a shorter part sorry lol. If you're still confused, then just give it a little while i promise it'll all make sense soon!! Just hang in there! What'd you think? Please leave criticism <3 ilyasm! Thanks for reading! .•Madie•.||

ChemistryDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora