ch. 2

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I've woken up early in my life. By early, I mean seven a.m. or even six if it was really needed. But waking up before four a.m. is not hard for me, it is strictly unthinkable. Mom has to shake me several times before I finally blink my eyes open painfully. It's still dark and I can see Lana sleeping next to me. I sigh. I can't believe I'm waking up this early to work.

"Honey, it's your second day here so I can call Justin and tell him that you don't wanna start today, if you want me to," Mom whispers soothingly in my ear.

So that he can call me a famous 'brat', no thanks Mom. "No," I finally sit up straight and try to smile although no part of my body wants to move. "I'm fine. I want to start today."

"I never thought I'd see you so excited to work in a farm."

"You can't believe how excited I am," I say, mom clearly not sensing how sarcastic I was being.


"What are those?"

Justin's question makes me look down at the high heels I am wearing. "Shoes," I shrug.

"Those are not shoes that you wear to work in a farm for God's sake," he says, sounding tired.

"Look, I can walk damn well in those even in a farm," I say with a determined look. High heels are my life and I refuse to take them off.

"Sometimes I wonder if you've ever really lived here," he mumbles.

I cross my arms over my chest. "Obviously I did since I had to deal with you since I was a child."

He sends me a cold glare. "Yeah, how I wish that fate didn't decide to make us meet again."

Fate. Does this mean that I'm meeting him for a special reason? Will he be important to me? It's only now that I realise how weird the situation is. I never thought I'd see him again—especially not work with him. But it doesn't mean that it has to have a reason. He's rude and I'm only helping him for Marilyn.

Nothing more or less.


Turns out, as much as I hate to admit it, Justin was right. When I finally stand in front of his muddy farm, with plants, cows and goats everywhere, I realise that high heels will really not fit here.

"I know that look," Justin tells me, observing my face crumble down, "It translates to 'oh-em-gee Justin was right!'" he says in an exaggerated girly voice.

"I can try to walk," I say stubbornly but almost twist my ankle as I step into the deep wet mud. Justin grabs my arm and I quickly clutch onto his shirt because I know I'm going to fall otherwise.

His brown eyes stare emotionlessly in mine. "You can try, can't you?" he mimics my voice.

"You're so annoying. I can't believe someone has the energy to be this annoying at four in the morning."

He pulls back into the path with less slippery mud and sighs. "I have a few boots in stock. Come with me." I follow him as none of us utter a single word.


We're back and I'm wearing boots, not to mention that they're smelly, covered in mud and ugly. But I try to bite back all the snarky remarks I have to do when he glares at me occasionally.

"So," I breathe in the morning air. The sky is still dark and the animals are chewing on the herbs or whatever they're called and I'm in the middle of nowhere with someone I despise. Life couldn't get better. Also, add in the pungent smell. Yep, couldn't get any better! "What do I do?"

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