"Kay..." I heard a voice in the distance.
I had finished texting the sisters in our group chat.
Everyone was freaking out about all the new ships forming.
It was paid solely on Kiera and Jan?
Chels and Tim?
and Liezelle... and Ken.
The thought of him being with another rattled my bones.
I know that Joe-Bran messes with me, but I'm still in the process of getting over him.
It shouldn't have been has hard as it was, but Joe-Bran never let it go when I confessed on crushing on his best friend.
"Joseph- leaveee." I still assumed it was him because of how close he was seated to me.
I shifted to pretend I was sleeping or something.
I really wasn't in the mood to be bothered with.
"It's not Joe Joe." He said mockingly.
Who was it?
"Don't play with me." I said building with rage.
Could whoever was there- just leave me alone?
"It's me, Simon." He said again.
What the- Could he hear my thoughts?
"No... He's sitting with Austin. Stop bothering me, go away." I shifted in my chair to try a comfy spot.
"Okay Kristine. Don't be nice to me. " He said again sounding like he was done with me.
That's not how I play the game.
I was getting irritated that he had the audacity to play games with me right now.
I still wasn't feeling it.
I turned over and looked at the seat,
"Simon... what are you doing here?" I asked, feeling a little bit violated, a little bit awkward, and a little bit curious as to why my brother was with Austin.
It was odd since it's been forever since I've talked to this kid.
Simon was always the quiet one.
I remember Liezelle describing how awkward he was to approach at first.
He was the "mysterious" one of the group.
Was I even close to him to being with?
"Uh." Simon replied.
"Before you ask questions... I know we aren't close... but your brother is with Austin... Don't feel weird okay?" He said trying to begin the conversation, which was failing quickly.
He kept nodding steadily.
"I think your brother is crushing on one of the girls..." Simon said pointing over to where he previously sat with Austin.
I looked over the seats at Austin questioning Joe.
He took turns pointing all over the plane.
I squatted quickly into my seat so I wouldn't be caught spying.
A rush of excitement filled my system.
"AW JOE GOTTA CRUSH?" I said really loudly and looked over at Simon.
Knowing I basically screamed that, I put my hands over my mouth.
His reaction was priceless.
We began laughing.