What would happen if 10 yearold mello called social services

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Mello : hello is this social services

SS lady: yes this is,  im Lucy, how can I help you

Mello : im being abused

Ss lady: ok,  well what is your name

Mello : im Mihel Kheel, but I prefer Mello

Ss lady : ok Mello how old are you

Mello : im ten

Ss lady : ok Mello, what is happening, how are you being abused

Mello : well for one Roger said I cant have more than one bar of chocolate every day

Ss lady: who is Roger??

Mello : oh he is the person who run's the orphanage

Ss lady : so you live in an orphanage?!?

Mello : yeah

Ss lady: ok then Mello,well  im not sure if not being allowed chocolate is abuse

Mello : but for me it is!!

Ss lady : well Mello dont you think that the other childeren want chocolate


Ss lady : is there anything else

Mello: yeah. , Roger wont let  me get lether clothe's

Ss lady: well Mello,  lether is expensive

Mello : but im special

Ss lady : what make's you think your so special mello

Mello : well im going to succeed L, Duh

Ss lady : sorry, who is L

Mello : only the world's best detective *muffled eating noise*

Ss lady : ok,  Mello are there any other reason's

Mello : well im sexy

Ss lady : your what??

Mello : sexy !!

Ss lady : who has been calling you sexy??

Mello : Matt

Ss lady: how old is Matt

Mello : 11

Ss lady : isnt he a bit young to be saying that

Mello: are you saying im not sexy :0

Ss lady : no Mello of course not but sexy would normally be used by older people

Mello : so your saying im not pretty *muffled eating sound*

Ss lady : Mello are you eating??

Mello : yeah,

Ss lady : what are you eating

Mello: chocolate icing...I think it is betty Crocker

Ss lady : I thought you dident get chocolate

Mello: no this doesent count it's more like a snack

Ss lady : well what if someone want's to ice a cake

Mello : we have more in the fridge

Ss lady : do you alway's take food from the fridge

Mello : yeah,  we can take anything as long as we clean up, but we never take the jam

Ss lady : why dont you take the jam

Mello : because it belong's to B

Ss lady : who is B

Mello : one of the older kid's,  he would probably kill someone if they took his jam

Ss lady : kill??

Mello : yea,  rip out yhere inside's and turn them into jam

Ss lady: so the jam is made of children

Mello : I wouldent know,  I never took it....although it would explain why little Jimmy went missing

Ss lady : *in the background* I need someone to track this call

Mello : nuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!! *throw's phone at near*

Near: oww Mello

Mello : what you were the closest thing to me

Near : Matt is stood behind you

Mello : the closest strangely unlikable person near me

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