Chapter 1 - She's On The Hunt

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  • Dedicated to To Everyone Reading xo

Ignore any errors and what not - I'll fix 'em up later =)


~ ~ Chapter One ~ ~

(Eva’s POV)

Crouching down low in the bushes, my tail swayed gentle with the breeze behind me as my keen eyes targeted the dark brown fur that was almost camouflaged in with the dead bush but I'm just too awesome to hide from – unless your stupid name is Lefty, that dude has wicked Houdini skills and if Saxon wasn’t so set on killing him, then I would harass the dude to teach me all he knew.

‘Found anyone yet?’ Chris’s voice filled my mind.

Grinning in wolf style, my ears twitched slightly as something moved to my left but I couldn’t tell if it was a forest animal or one of the others. ‘Yeah, I’ve got Mr Hulk lined up as my target,’ I responded quietly, though it made no difference – I could have screamed it at Chris and it would have had the same effect.

Right now we are playing one huge game of cat and mouse, well, kind of. Basically Chris and I teamed up and started stalking everyone like they were our prey and after the first hour of them constantly being bombarded by our sly attacks – they decided hiding from us was an easy way to get an afternoon rest before our ‘drill sergeant’ Saxon made us move on.

But we are destroying that rest time, hey, they all should have agreed to play the game when we first asked them all too; basically we wanted three verses three and the team with more people – wolves, standing at the end won but our mock Alpha told us it was childish and a waste of our time, which only made me want to do it even more.

All signs of the fun loving Saxon that were starting to seep out before we left have vanished completely, this is serious business now and he is pretty much entirely in Alpha mode with one thing and one thing only that will get him to chill out and that is me...and alone time if you get my drift. What can I say; the dude brings out the pervert in me.

‘Saxon’s coming in from the north,’ Chris whisper yelled and I grinned again, this probably would be much cooler in human form with like black war paint on our faces and walkie talkies or we could be doing hand signals and stuff.

‘Gotcha,’ I whispered back, stealthily moving through the spaced out bushes I was near and made my way towards Vance, I'm pretty sure he was fast asleep or something because the guy hasn’t moved in over ten minutes.

Crap, trust me to speak, well think too soon, his tail just twitched. Deciding it was now or never, I ran at him, building my speed up instantly as I leapt up off the ground and sailed the short distance through the air to practically land on top of him. Within seconds, a furious growl rumbled through his chest, sending birds flapping off into the sky with loud squawks as he bucked me off his back and onto the ground.

Landing with a heavy and loud thump, a small whine escaped my throat as brief pain shot through my back while he had spun around, jaws open and teeth bared, going in for the kill shot at my throat but he stopped inches away from my fur. Though I could feel his hot and sticky breathe panting on me and it was gross, think of some creepy like stalker with rotten teeth breathing down your neck and you get what I'm feeling right now.

‘Someone needs a mint,’ I muttered, rolling away from him and jumping to my paws.

‘Dammit Eva! Saxon told you no!’ Vance snapped angrily, glaring at me with high annoyance while I just shrugged to the best of my wolf abilities in this form and walked off slowly, already thinking of my next victim.

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