Chapter 38 - She's On The Hunt

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Ignore all errors, will fix them later =)


~ ~ Chapter Thirty-Eight ~ ~


“Seriously, where the heck does he live?” I cried out in annoyance, kicking a large rock along the ground that was next to me.

Chris shook his head, his eyes scanning the car park of the shopping mall. We had gone to the school and started from there, following every single different trail of Troy and Peter’s and every single time, it lead us to somewhere useless – like the mall.

Every single trail led us somewhere and then back to the school.

“It’s almost like he doesn’t live anywhere,” Chris mumbled, looking behind us at the way we had just came as we both fell silent. My mind taking me back along the trails we had just followed, Chris’s probably doing the same as we each tried our hardest to figure out where to go from here.

“The school,” Chris turned to face me and I rolled my eyes.

“We have been there a dozen times already and Saxon is getting impatient with me as well, so I don’t want to waste much more time out here,” I groaned, blocking out my mates voice. It was like that one pesky fly that no matter how many times you swipe at it – it still comes back until you snap and go all ninja on its butt with a can of fly spray or a rolled up paper.

“No, idiot, I literally mean the school,” Chris muttered, smacking me up the back of my head.

“Uncool,” I growled lightly as I rubbed my head and glared at him, “Oh what!” I cried out, his words registering in my mind, “He’s living at that dump?”

Chris nodded with a small grin on his face, proud of himself for working it out finally, “Exactly, there’s no place his trails lead us to that he could reside at for this long undetected.”

Nodding my head slowly as a smile creeped across my lips, “Well done sidekick, I may just pay you after all.”

“Shut up Evangeline,” he snapped and I growled back at him mockingly.

“Come on CC, let’s go find us some wolves,” I grinned and started to lead the way back across the dark street. It was just before midnight and I was starting to get tired, and tomorrow is a school day and I haven’t caught up on my homework yet either.

All my hard work of studying and actually paying attention in class has just gone the drain.

“Hey, do you have a phone?” I asked Chris as we cut through a back alleyway, we were roughly five minutes from the school now – we both gave up on running in wolf form hours earlier. Not because we were worried someone would see us, but due to lack of mind link.

“Yeah,” Chris replied, giving me a sideway glance and saying nothing else.

“Can I use it?” I sighed, rolling my eyes at his stupidity.


“What! Why?” I cried out in shock, turning and looking at him.

Chris grinned, “Because your fat fingers will break it.”

“They will not,” I snapped.

“So you admit you have fat fingers then?” he chuckled with a smirk.

Groaning as I slapped his arm, “Grow up already and let me use your phone, I need to make a call.”

Chris shoved me back lightly, “No slapping the merchandise Eva, you might break what you can’t afford.”

She's On The Hunt - (Book 2 of SOOTB's)Where stories live. Discover now