Chapter 6 - She's On The Hunt

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dedication is for the AMAZING new cover! I love it, thanks heaps! xo


~ ~ Chapter Six ~ ~

Standing on the outside edging of the ‘wolf suburb’ out in the middle of nowhere, my eyes scanned the entire place and took in everything that was going on – which was nothing. The only people outside right now were small groups of children ranging from as young as five to as old as twelve.

In the far distance sitting in the shade of a huge tree was four little girls playing with toy tea cups and dolls, each of them wore some sort of frilly type dress and they all had huge grins or smiles on their faces as they enjoyed their game of make believe.

Out in the middle of the bitumen road were six boys and one girl – who made me smile slightly even though I was still rather peeved with a certain Alpha of mine, because this girl reminded me of myself. She was tough and wasn’t taking any crap from the other boys as they all kicked a ball around and tried to score points with rubbish bins as make shift goals.

There were also a few other children scattered around the place, a girl spread out on the soft grass in the sun while she read a book, two boys playing with robots and cars while making their own sound effects, another little girl playing in a mud puddle with a boy who looked a few years older than her – basically everywhere I looked there was a child with no adult or teenager in sight.

“They’re in the Alpha’s house,” Saxon suddenly spoke up from alongside me, his hand still wrapped firmly around my arm as he stopped me from running away.

I didn’t look up to meet his eyes that I could feel staring holes into the side of my face, “For the last time – I don't care,” my tone came out rude and a tad bit harsh but I was too annoyed with him right now to feel bad over it.

“I'm not saying we have to go in there, but I still think you should listen in,” he muttered, finally looking away from me and over at the Alpha’s house.

My gaze followed his and through the open curtains in the large window downstairs I could see my two brothers, Harper was stuffing his face with what looked like biscuits and he was grinning like a mad man.

“Didn’t he ever read Hansel and Gretel?” I mumbled dryly as I continued to watch him eat food that strangers had offered him. I get that they are all like ‘we’re your friends, we know your dad’ and blah blah blah but seriously – who can say they aren’t lying?This could be a trap for all we know.

I vaguely heard Vance mutter something like ‘childish’ under his breath followed by a low growl from Saxon but I ignored the pair of them as I looked over at Brody. Unlike our other brother who apparently turns into a food disposal unit, Brody was standing with his back against a wall and arms folded over his chest.

He wasn’t being rude or anything as he spoke to an older male but his posture radiated distrust and I knew by just looking at him that he had his eyes on everyone in that room, not leaving a chance to be attacked from out of nowhere.

Chris was standing nearby in a similar way that Brody was, just, Chris looked a lot more intimidating and he wasn’t speaking to anyone. I keep forgetting that he naturally isn’t a very friendly person because I'm so use to him teasing and trying to pick on me like my brothers do.

Brody suddenly turned to face the window and stared in my direction, his eyes met mine and he offered me a small smile, ‘We rang dad and he confirmed that he does know Alpha Sims.’

I gave him a small nod – there goes my whole ‘they are a bunch of liars’ theory then but it could still be a trap of some sort.

Forgive me for not being the most trusting person out there – I swear Saxon is rubbing off on me though because I never use to be this bad.

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