Chapter 18 - She's On The Hunt

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Yeah yeah Thomas, I know I 'banned' you from reading, but let's face it - you ignore me anyways :P Get better Punk! xo

(also, so sorry ay but I've forgotten the name of the one who created the banner - PM please, lol)


~ ~ Chapter Eighteen ~ ~

I ducked as Troy’s body went flying over my head; Saxon really was going ape crazy at the dude, his loud and furious growls were rumbling through the room and his body was shaking. It was only a matter of time now until he went all wolf on Troy’s butt.

Peter ran at Saxon from behind as Gemma squealed, causing me to cringe from the volume of it and glare her way, “Geez, tone it down a bit,” I muttered angrily as I cleared one ear out with my finger.

Gemma looked at me, wide eyed and full of shock, “Shouldn’t you be concerned or anything for him?”

Frowning, “Why would I care what happens to Peter?”

“Saxon you stupid girl!” she snapped in utter disbelief.

Glaring dangerously at her now as I took a quick step forward, but paused to watch Peter slamming into the wall across the other side of the room and leaving a massive dent in the plastering, before facing Gemma again, “I dare you to call me stupid again,” I growled lowly.

“She didn’t mean it, Eva,” Tarsha spoke up, defending her trembling friend.

Shaking my head a little, I scoffed at Gemma, “Whatever,” and I turned my back on them as I walked over towards Saxon and Troy facing off, growling at each other as I stepped up alongside Troy, “Back off Alpha Redford.”

Saxon’s eyes snapped to meet mine, my sparkling green ones and his deep brown, but we weren’t sharing the same emotions. No, he was ticked off hardcore and I was plain old angry to actually see him here. Who the heck invited him back this way?

I'm not sure, but it looked like this was the first time he actually took me in and his eyes softened as he eyed me up and down, “What have I done?” he mumbled so quietly that I almost didn’t hear him and out of the corner of my eye, I saw his hand raising slowly as if he was going to touch me, but I put that to a stop as I jerked out of reach. He flinched from the pain my movement must have caused him emotionally, but I didn’t care. That was nothing compared to what he has caused me.

He is my first for a lot of things, first boyfriend, first kiss, first crush (because, yes, I had been crushing on him at one stage...I will just never admit that one out loud to any living soul) first mate, first in bed....though it didn’t happen in a bed, but you all get what I mean anyways.

Most importantly though Saxon Redford was the first to crush my tough built heart. I had foolishly let that bugger in and he stomped all over it like a fat kid in a daisy field.

I was not letting him off easy for that, mate or no mate, he was going down and I was taking him down with style.

“Leave now,” his first real words spoken since his eyes had connected with mine, and I actually think he forgot about everyone else in the room with us for that brief minute, but he finally looked away and glared meaningfully in Troy’s direction, “Before I kill you for touching her,” he growled dangerously.

Troy used the back of his hand to wipe the trail of blood running down from his bruised nose, but as he wiped it was visible it was already healing and would stop bleeding any moment now. I was jealous about that.

“You were the last one here, so how about you leave?” I challenged and I heard his teeth grind together in anger as he bit back some snappy reply.

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