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The look on his face shattered my already broken heart. There was betrayal, disgust, and hurt written all over it.
"Archer?" The pain in his voice was obvious to everyone in the room.
"I am so sorry Wally." And I was, he would never know just how much.
Step four, completed.
He sank to his knees, his earlier anger washed away by the torrent of sadness he now felt, he couldn't even look at me.
I turned away and pressed the talk button on my ear piece.
"There. Mission fucking accomplished you son of a bitch." I pulled it out and threw it on the ground, then I turned to Dick,
"Any word?"
He gave me a weak smile, "any day now."
I breathed out a sigh of relief,
"Could you uh..." I trailed off, the question in my eyes.
He nodded, a pained look on his face as he noted the reason I wouldn't be able to take it to her myself.
Wally stood up and walked away.
Batman who had stood in the corner watching the whole exchange came up and put some handcuffs on me.
He sighed, "alright, let's get you to Iron Heights."
Nightwing stepped up and spoke to Batman,
"You might not want to do that."
Batman gave him a look.
He looked a bit uncomfortable, but he continued anyways, "Professor Zoom has been blackmailing her, he made her sister sick with a illness only he has the cure for, he gives her a weekly dose of medicine to keep it from killing her, if Archer doesn't do what he asks, he won't give her the medicine." Nightwing explained.
Batman looked to me for confirmation,
I nodded.
"And you are working on a cure." It would have been a question had it been anyone but Batman doing the asking.
Nightwing nodded anyway.
"I'm keeping her in my custody for now, I would like to visit her sister for conformation, and perhaps we could work out an arrangement in which she helps us catch the professor."
Nightwing gave him a wry smile,
"Careful bats your charming philanthropist side is coming out."
Batman didn't deign that with an answer, instead he led me towards the zeta tubes.
"Wait, I need to talk to Wally." I told him.
"He already left." Batman informed me.
I scrunched my eyebrows together,
"How do you even know that?" I asked.
He looked me straight in the eyes and said in a voice completely devoid of all emotion,
"I'm Batman."

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