Chapter 1: I've Been Thinkin'

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The woman at the pool table in front of him lines up her shot and takes her sultry sweet time doing so. Derek can see the ample curve of her buttocks as she adjusts her stance, finding the perfect position to rack up. She turns around to grab her cue and flicks her eyes over to where Derek is watching. She winks with a sly smile. Derek grimaces and turns away.

"I don't even know why you looked, she's lounge trash and completely not your type." The nosy blond beside him says. She sneers as the disappointed woman scowls and turns back to the pool table.

Derek chuckles, "Erica," he starts, not even bothering to look at his boldest and most opinionated packmate. She wasn't a beta anymore, she was actually kind of part of another pack now, but she refused to leave his side, and he refused to let her. "this is a jazz lounge, there's no such thing as lounge trash in a jazz lounge."

It's the kind of place Peter would approve of for Derek to start trying to find his mate. Dimly lit, but not seedy. The music was slow and moody, but the air was clear and several women came in to relax with a glass of wine and good tunes. If he wanted, Derek was sure he could find a perfectly lovely mate here. Not that he was ready. Even though it'd been years since his last loss, everything still felt stunted, like time moved forward, but Derek hasn't. It's been said that time heals all wounds, but Derek doesn't want to be healed just yet. Healing makes you forget.

"Earth to Derek! You're missing some prime tail over here with all your spaciness! Pay attention!" Derek rolls his eyes and looks to where he's sure Erica wants his attention. Standing by the entrance is a group of young college aged guys, all tall and athletic, like they're part of a team or fraternity. They're clearly waiting on some sort of dates and they amble about, talking boisterously to one another. One looks at Derek with piercing brown eyes and a dimpled chin. Derek nods politely and turns away.

"What's wrong with him?! C'mon Derek, invite him over, buy him a drink." Erica persists. Derek rolls his eyes again.

"First off, he's not gay, and for some unfathomable reason I have to keep reminding you that I'm not either. Besides I'm not really interested in talking to anyone tonight." Derek swirls the ice around in the bottom of his glass and motions to the bartender for another.

"Not like I wanted a refill or anything." Erica tuts as she slumps on the stool beside him.

"Not like they would serve you here anyway." Derek shrugs while Erica humphs.

"Anyhow, it's not about being gay or straight, it's about love Derek, and finally seeing you make out with a hot guy!" Erica looks back over to the guy who keeps sneaking looks in Derek's direction. "Besides, aren't weres supposed to be more fluid?  Besides, he's totally into you, Derek. There's nothing wrong with a quick make-out session."

Derek considers his new drink and sighs. Erica wasn't ever going to understand, but for some reason he could never stop talking to her about it.

"Erica, my life has a very specific plan. I settle down with a lovely shewolf or human lady; have kids, and work on rebuilding the Majestic Hale Pack." He says this as he puts his hands up to form the marquee. "I'm not looking for some untoward make-out session, I'm looking for an eternal mate." Derek sips his drink as Erica spins in her stool and rolls her eyes.

"Then why the fuck are you even here!?"

"Erica! Language, this is a fancy fucking place, dammit!" Erica huffs out a laugh as Derek takes a sip from his drink with his pinky up. He grins and continues. "Besides, I'm not really ready to start finding my mate, but I figure, you know... fake it till you make it, right?" Derek chances a peek towards Erica whose smug smirk is belying her supposed grumpiness..

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