Chapter 9: We Be All Night

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It's 7:58pm and Derek can hear Stiles pulling up in his Jeep. He parks in the same space as he always does and keys in the code to the outer door. Derek opens the loft door, greeting the young man as he makes his way inside. He's brought over a duffle bag and some chinese food. Derek takes the food and motions for Stiles to throw the bag by the bed. Stiles looks for a moment after Derek who's turned away and is putting the food into the fridge. Stiles comes into the kitchen a moment later and sees Derek grabbing out a beer, noticing the food inside.

"What?" he asks, pointing to the bag.

"Just keeping it there for now and we can warm it up later." Derek says as he rustles inside his drawer for a churchkey. He pulls one out and uncaps the bottles handing it over to Stiles who takes it warily.

"Are you not hungry now?" Stiles asks before taking a long pull, his adam's apple bouncing tantalizingly along his neck. Derek turns back to the fridge to grab another bottle.

"Not for food." He mumbles.

"What? Should I have brought pizza instead?" Stiles stammers, suddenly anxious. Derek can tell he's nervous about the situation and is about to go into one of his rambling spirals.

"Stiles, no. Stop, listen to me."

"I could have brought burgers, but they don't travel well unless you wanted to go out. Did you want to go out?" Stiles rubs the back of his neck and starts pacing the small area in the kitchen.

"Stiles, c'mon. This isn't about the fucking food!"

"I guess chopped salads, but- wait, what?!" Stiles stops suddenly and points an accusatory finger at Derek. "You said 'this isn't about food' which implies that this is a thing! A thing that means something more than what I know and you know I hate not fucking knowing, Der, so what the fuck isthis!"

"Jesus, no wonder you can't get laid." Derek says as he crosses his arms over his chest and waits out Stiles' mini breakdown.


"You cockblock yourself."

"What?! I, what?" Stiles asks, completely jettisoned.

"I think we should have sex." Derek says calmly as Stiles completely loses his shit.

"Derek, what the actual fuck?! Wait a minute, wait one damned second, no, back the fuck up!" Stiles is sputtering and gesturing wildly and finally gathers himself enough to spit out, "How do I cockblock myself?!"

Derek rolls his eyes fondly.

"Stiles, how many times has a guy stood in front of you and mentally undressed you? How many times have you stared while they let their lips silently speak the things they would do to you?"

Stiles suddenly becomes very still as he makes eye contact with Derek. He takes a step forward.

"Silently, eh? And I'm cockblocking myself? How am I supposed to know if you don't say anything?" He says before taking another step.

"How many guys have given you the elevators eyes, always getting stalled on the lower levels?" Derek says as his eyes do just that. Stiles stops and snorts at himself.

"Yeah right, guy. Like that ever, I mean, I've got the nerd thing going for me, but guys aren't like... lining- shut up!" A blush creeps into Stiles' cheeks as he ducks his head to avoid Derek's assessing glances. Derek reaches forward and tucks a finger under Stiles' chin, lifting his head to meet his eyes.

"You're so fucking oblivious to how beautiful you are. And I bet a million guys have tried to tell you and you wouldn't listen. Like that guy you were crushing on that made you discover you were bi. I bet he tried to tell you a million different ways how much he wanted you and you didn't even notice." Stiles leans back slightly, looking at Derek with everything in him, longing, pleading, desire.

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