Captain America

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Lilly's P.O.V
I waited quietly as Cap sat up on his bed. I was a little to excited. I was really excited for an 11 year old. I opened the door to the room and he looked at me weirdly. "Hi!" I said excitedly. A SHEILD agent walked in wearing a outfit that looked like she was from the 1940s. "Good morning. Or should I say, afternoon." She said looking at her watch with a smile. I stared at Mr Rogers with a smile on my face.
"Where am I?" He asked.
"Your in a recovery room in New York" I answered looking up at him. What is he like 6ft?
"Where am I really?" He asked looking at us suspiciously.
"I'm afraid I don't understand." She said, uh oh.
"The game, it's from May, nineteen forty one. I know, cause I was there" he said getting up from the bed, "Now, I'm gonna ask you again. Where am I?"
"Captain Rogers?" She said pressing the remote that lit up red.
"Who are you?!" Steve said loudly as two soldiers in black uniform enter the room and Steve knocks them through the wall.
"Steve wait!" I said as he ran out of the room through the wall.
"All Agents code 13! I repeat code 13!" The agent said into her walkie talkie. Clint rushed in and picked me up taking me out of the room carefully as Agents rushed past.
"Where's mommy?!" I asked alarmed because she told me she'd be right here.
"She went to go help with Cap" he said as we entered into a room with a sofa.
A few moments later mom came back in with Nick behind her. She said she had to go to Russia for a mission and she said it was to dangerous for me to go with her. She'd be gone for a while. Moments after she left Steve walked in.
"Mr Rogers" I said standing with a smile. He gave me a small smile.
"Sorry for making a scene in there. Didn't mean to scare you, kid" he said.
"It's fine Mr Rogers. You didn't know what was happening" I said giving him a kind and loving smile. And that is when a amazing friendship blossomed between me and a solider.

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