Russian Lullaby

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I sat at the long table on the Helicarrier waiting for my mother. Phil had told me she'd be here soon. I need a hug from her. I heard the door open and I turned to see my mom. "LILLY!" She said excitedly running to hug me. She held me close. I've missed her so much.
"Mrs Romanoff. I need Lilly to go to her room for a brief hour or two" Nick said walking in breaking our happiness.
"Yes sir" Mom said as we walked back to my room.
"Mom can you sing me that lullaby you sang when I was four?" I asked smiling at my mother as I changed into a night shirt.
"Sure princess" she said as I jumped into my bed and she tucked me in.
"Танцы медведи, окрашенных крыльями вещи почти помню и песню кто-то поет один раз после декабря кто-то держит меня безопасной и теплые лошадей, буланые серебро Буря мультфильмов, изящно танцевать на моей памяти" she sang softly as I felt my eyes close slowly (Dancing bears, painted wings things I almost remember and a song someone sings once upon a December, someone holds me safe and warm, horses prance through a silver Storm, figures dancing gracefully across my memory)
I smiled at my mothers sweet singing voice as I felt my self slowly drift asleep.

A few moments later I woke up and changed cloths. I rushed down the hallway bumping into a tall figure. I fell onto my bottom.
"уч" I said in Russian (ouch) I looked up slowly to see a familiar face.
"Steve!" I said excitedly hugging the super solider.
"Hey kiddo!" He said hugging me back, "your mom wants you to come with us."
"I'd love to!" I cheered happily as we walked together back to the main area. My mom stood there with Nick. I walked over to a man who I believe I haven't met yet. He had dark hair that was messy, he wore a purple shirt and dark colored pants.
"Hi" I said smiling at him.
"Uh hi" he said.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Bruce Banner" he said shaking my hand.
"Lilly Romanoff" I said he smiled kindly at me which I returned his loving smile.
Next thing I knew we got the location of the guy who compromised Barton. I looked at my mother and she didn't look happy. We all walked to the jet. Steve was ready in his uniform and Bruce wasn't coming. I know I'll be spending time with him a lot. We spotted the man.
"Loki drop the weapon and stand down" my mom said. We watched as Loki and Steve fought for a while. Then ACDC started blaring through the jet as Tony Stark flew past the jet.
"Agent Romanoff. Did you miss me?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.
Soon I was staring at Loki. He smiled at me at first then I replaced it with a frown showing I hated him for doing what he did to Clint. Steve and Tony were talking and my mom was flying the jet. Loki continued to stare at me so I returned it with a glare full of hatred.
"I know you hate me" he whispered.
"You know why" I said pulling up my pants leg showing the bruise he left when he pushed me off the moving car.
"Soon you'll know the truth" he said with an evil smile. What does he mean by "the Truth"?
"Что ты имеешь в виду?" (What do you mean?) I asked in Russian quiet enough so my mother couldn't hear.
"Вы скоро узнаете" (you'll find out soon) he said smiling. What was he hiding?

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