Rainy Day

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Flashback: third person P.O.V
The sound of the rain outside was beating against the roof was a little soothing until there was a loud crack of thunder making Lilly sit up in her bed. The little five year old breathed in and out trying to keep herself calm. But she lost it once there was another thundering boom outside followed by a large crack of lighting.
"Mommy!" Lilly screamed loudly as she clutched her bear close to her. Natasha ran to her daughter's room as fast as she could when she heard her daughter scream. She pushed open the door and looked around frantically until her eyes landed on the frightened little girl on the bed.
"What's wrong, Sweetie?" Natasha said as she walked over to her daughter's bed and sat down beside her. She pulled her daughter into her comforting arms to calm her down. Natasha rubbed her daughter's back gently. She knew her daughter was scared of the thunder and lighting. There was nothing she should be afraid of. Natasha started humming softly to get her daughter to relax and go back to sleep.
Lilly felt her eyes grow heavy and soon she was back to sleep. Natasha laid her down gently so she didn't wake her before she laid the soft blanket over her. Natasha kissed Lilly's head softly with a small smile before she turned off the bedside lamp and left the room.

Flashback Over: Lilly's P.O.V

I laid in bed trying to get some sleep but I couldn't help but think about the past and everything else. I watched the cream colored curtains sway with the wind and I listened to the wind whistling softly. I sighed and got out of bed going over to the window. I saw something outside which made me frown. I couldn't tell what it was. I closed the window before I grabbed my sweater and slipped it on.
I headed down the steps quietly careful not to wake Laura and the kids. The floor creaked under my feet as I walked over to the back door. I turned the metal knob on the door before I pushed it open. I walked out and shut the door behind me gently. I stepped down from the back steps letting my feet touch the grass that was cold and wet from the morning dew.
I wrapped my arms around myself before I continued walking to where I had seen something. My feet getting cold and wet from the grass as I headed over toward the row of trees. I wish I had brought my flashlight with me. That would've been helpful. I walked over to where I saw the object and went over seeing that it was a little pocket knife. Must be Cooper's or Clint's. I walked over and picked up the knife looking at the silver blade.
I gasped and dropped the knife once I saw the symbol on the handle. I backed away from the row of trees before I took off in a mad sprit toward the farmhouse. The grass was slippery and wet from the dew almost making me slip. I ran as fast as I could back toward the house. I could hear the house of combat boots slamming against the cold ground behind me. I didn't want to turn around. I didn't need to. I knew exactly who was behind me.
I made it to the back door and opened it quickly but I was pulled back by the arm. The door shut after I ended up letting go. I kicked trying to get away from whoever had my arm. I turned to see the person's face and I was met by a pair of greenish blue eyes. I knew exactly who those eyes belonged to. I kicked around some more to escape but nothing was working. I felt a sharp sting in my neck and soon my eyes rolled back and I collapsed to the ground falling asleep.


I jolted up in bed, my breath was unsteady. The pain in my head was there. Loki knew he hurt me. He meant to hurt me. I climbed out of bed and made my way to Steve's room. I pushed the door opened.
"Steve" I whispered making him roll over to see me.
"Hey Lillybug" he said tiredly. Lillybug is the nickname he gave me.
"Can I sleep with you? I had a nightmare" I asked and his face softened.
"Sure thing" he said, I climbed into the bed and hugged Steve's arm hopping the nightmares wouldn't return. I began to drift into a nightmare less sleep.
The next morning I woke up and started to shake Steve shoulders. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I said excitedly.
"What Lillybug?" He asked.
"Come on! It's Christmas!" I said and with that he jolted up and we both ran down the hallway. Right there under the tree were multiple presents.
"Are we in the right apartment?" I asked jokingly making Steve laugh. We rushed for the presents and opened them. Steve took pictures to send to mom. After opening presents me and Steve ate breakfast. There was a knock at the door and mom entered the room.
"MOM!" I yelled running to hug her.
"Merry Christmas Princess" she said smiling as she kissed my head.

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