Loose Ends

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*contains major spoiler for "My Heart Burns"* (see note at end of chapter)

Thorin roused from a long and finally restful sleep. Balin had laid him back onto his pillows after Bilbo had finished washing and drying his hair, and he'd been asleep for most of the day. Judging by the misty web of light that streamed into the room from the winter sun outside, it was late in the afternoon now. Thorin opened his eyes slowly and turned his head towards where he expected Bilbo to be. And Bilbo was there, leaning against the back of his faithful velvet armchair, with a gauzy smile on his face.

"Thank you," whispered Thorin.

"Perhaps now you could do me a favour," answered Bilbo, sitting up.

"I wish that I could."

"You could eat," said Bilbo, raising an eyebrow.

Thorin blinked once in quiet agreement, then said, "I wish to speak to Dain first."

"Very well," said Bilbo, getting up. "I'll tell him right away."

He walked out of the room with a determined bounce in his step. He had expected Thorin to want to see Dain once he felt better. He was probably aware that his cousin had taken over his duties and it was only natural for him to seek his counsel. In fact, it put his mind at ease that Thorin was taking an interest again in the fate of his kingdom. It meant that he had put aside his earlier hopelessness.

Dain was out in the great hall, which had been cleared for the most part, and he was talking with Balin and Dwalin about something that warranted wide gesturing.

Bilbo approached them without much hesitation and cleared his throat to alert them to his presence, even if he was aware that he was interrupting.

All three dwarves looked down at him startled, and Dain even appeared flustered that his undoubtedly important speech had been curtailed so unceremoniously, but it did nothing to intimidate the hobbit.

"Lord Dain," said Bilbo with a nod of acknowledgement, "Thorin wishes to speak to you."

"Oh, of course" replied Dain, rescinding some of his annoyance and drawing in a deep breath that inflated his already impressive chest.

He was no longer wearing armour, but he still looked very much like a Durin. In spite of the hostility of their first encounter, Bilbo had to admit that Erebor could be in much less capable hands.

"We shall continue this later," Dain announced to Balin and Dwalin, who took their leave with a bow of their heads. "Well, then, lead on, Master Baggins," he said, looking at the hobbit with a slight smirk, and Bilbo thought he could see Dwalin glowering at him across Dain's shoulder.

Swallowing the knot in his throat, Bilbo nodded and started back with Dain in his trail. They walked in silence until they reached the narrower corridor that led to the Royal Wing. In the quiet emptiness of the rock tunnel, Dain's steps sounded all the heavier in Bilbo's ears.

"I am surprised you are still here, Master Baggins," Dain's voice boomed behind him. "Indulge my curiosity and tell me, what is your interest in my cousin?"

Bilbo jumped and felt suddenly that the walls of the corridor were closing in on him. "Interest? I have no interest. I simply could not leave without making amends after... after what happened."

"I see. Have you returned the Arkenstone then?"

"Yes! Well, Thranduil brought it back. It is in Thorin's room now."

"So that matter is settled," said Dain with slight bitterness in his tone.

"Yes, yes, it is," replied Bilbo, an emptiness gaping in his stomach.

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