chapter 19

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Lael was looking down at the ground with her knees tucked into her chest. Maura did not know what to say. She wasn't mad, wasn't disappointed. But she was just speechless like everyone would be if they found out their daughter was inhuman, and made of a dead girl's body. Lael was still lael to her, because her personality could not have been changed. She was cold and heartless at first because her heart was not whole, but over time she adapted using that genius brain of hers to develop a personality and a character. While some saw rude, others saw faint sarcasm and humour. Her lael, even if it wasn't the real lael and that was not how she would look like, was still perfect in every way. "Lael, i won't think any lesser of you." Lael realised that maura had started talking louder. Was that on purpose or just an accident? People do lose track of things easily when they find out their relative is a mechanic invention. "Yes, you will," came her muffled reply. "No, what makes you think so?"
"You say you won't because you think you won't."
"You think you won't. But unknowingly every time you're doing something mundane and normal with me you're gonna start thinking of me in objectory form. Like an object. You'll start wondering how amazing it is that a machine, an invention could do that. And you're gonna start dfriting away from me for more humanic companions because machines can't feel."
Maura did not know what to say. Maybe that was what would happen. Whatever way she chose to comfort lael, her logic would win out in the end. She knew the best way was for silence to do its work. Lael started turning her attention from her mom to reubin. She spoke in the most hushed voice possible. So what's your plan? The reply was almost immediate.
Levi said look around for any materials. They may be of help.
You asked levi? Alone! Reubin do you know what he's going to do to my mom if he finds out? Maura glanced at lael upon hearing her name.
Relax, i'm trying to help. I told him it was because i'd been caught up in a mastermind show and i needed his words to check if what the survival programme said was accurate enough. He bought that?
Okay, fine.
Lael cautiously glanced around the barren room. There were a few tiles lying around.
Hey, do you remember how you got where you are now?
No, he used this gesture to unlock a panel of some sort that brought us here.
Not helping.
Lael paused. Would he even believe her?
I'm not joking.
There was another pause between the two's communication.
So, do you see any materials? Reubin changed the subject to bring it back on track.
A few loose tiles from the wall, broken window pane shards and a cut chain. And sand if that helps.
Wait, hold on.
Lael heard the sound of feet moving on the other line and heard reubin call out for levi. She should have known the class' male jerk representative was close with the class' trouble maker. "Hey, levi! What can you do with loose tiles, broken window panes and cut chains?" "Why?" Was the response. Lael sucked in a breath. "Oh, just got to help answer some out-of-the-box questions for a friend's test to enroll in this defence major or something." It wasn't the best lie, but it was still a good lie. There were a murmur of exchange of words between the two boys. Another couple shuffling footsteps as reubin casually walked away from levi. Suddenly, reubin heard a loud creak and a long bang on the other line of the earpiece.
Lael, are you okay?
Lael answered only a long moment later. Yep, never been better.
Reubin sighed in relief. That had scared him fairly.
Okay, you could use the chain to break open the door. Slip a tile or pane into the chain and tie one end to the gap between the door and frame first. Grab some sand in your palms so when he catches you, you get some leverage. For example, making him slip or throwing into his eyes to blind him. The only problem is that he might be watching you. Any suggestions?
Even reubin himself was surprised at his good memory of remembering all of what levi had told him. Maybe the power of losing someone you...were friends with. Friends. Was strong enough.
Yep. Just one.
How about you shut up and get a map out for me?
What? Reubin frowned.
I'm out with mom at the entrance of this dead mansion running from a murderer and you keep blabbing on and on about chains.
Reubin momentarily lost his conscience of understanding what she was saying. She escaped already? how? When?
What? Reubin asked once again.
Lael never replied. Lael? I know you're listening.
You forgot that i'm a creature, not a human. Lael had to swallow twice to get the answer out of the lump in her throat. Reubin did not understand her point, but also did not know how to reply. He just kept quiet, hoping that lael would specify. Which she did. I apparently have good strength. Lael added. Reubin's face un-contorted in understandment. Of course she would have strength. Machinery strength. Only now could reubin hear the vague pants of lael as she continuously ran away from the dungeon with maura by her side. Remind me never to ever attempt to fight you. Reubin said. Remind me never to ask you for GPS help ever again. No matter where and when, lael could always get a little sarcasm out. She did not know where she was. She was scared, a weak young mother by her side as they walked out into plain lands full or nothing but barren trees. It reminded her of a desert. She was not used to the hot weather much representing the picture back in the corridor, where the sun shone merciless rays of heat down her back, but neither was she used to the warmth spreading down her heart in frenzy and confusement, bewilderment and heartache. As she lifted her head to gaze up at her mother, she received a warm smile in return.

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