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Ephebiphobia- Fear of teenagers

It is now Friday, the end of my first week here. In this amount of time Scarlett and I have gotten to know each other better. She talks to me more, it turns out that I have three classes out of five with Scarlett, I have Art, English, and Biology. I also have a class with Tristan, that would be Math.

At the moment I am walking to my last class of the day, Math. I stop at my locker grabbing my Pre-Calculus book and make my way into my class the conveniently happens to be right next to my locker. I sit down in my seat the is in the middle of the classroom. Tristan happens to sit right behind me. How I didn't notice that before beats me.

Mr.Smith once again starts the class with taking notes. I hate taking notes in this class because we have to write what he says. Normally I wouldn't have a problem with this, the problem is that he talks really fast, making it difficult to catch everything he says.


Forty Five torturous minutes later I'm finally free to leave. I walk to my locker placing everything I didn't need into it. I close my locker and start making my way to my car when I hear Scarlett call my name.

"Yes?" I say when she finally catches up to me.

"We're going to a party." She says not even bothering to ask. I didn't feel like putting up a fight so I sigh letting her know that I have already given into her request.

"I'll be over at your house in a bit to help you get ready." She says before walking away to her motorcycle.

I just get into my car and get home to take a shower before Scarlett gets there.


"You are NOT allowed to put me in anything sluty!" Is the first thing out of my mouth when I open the door for Scarlett. When I had opened the door I noticed that she had dressed herself for the party.

"That's okay, I wasn't going to anyway. Now show me where your room is." Scarlett says. And with that we walk down the hall and up the stairs to my room. Scarlett just walks straight into my closet. I just sit down on my bed and wait for her.

Twenty long minutes later Scarlett finally comes out of the closet, she walks up to me and places the shoes she picked out on the floor next to me and places a dress on the bed next to me.

"I'll be in the bathroom getting things ready if you need me." She says and walks away.

I look at the clothes that she had thrown at me. Scarlett had picked out a short white lace dress, with sleeves that came down to the tops of my elbows. The shoes she picked out are a pair of cute black heels with a bow in the front. By the time I had finished getting dressed Scarlett had everything set up in my bathroom to do my hair and makeup.

About thirty minutes later Scarlett had finished my makeup and hair. She had gone a little heavy on my eye makeup. With my hair she had lightly curled my hair and brushed the curls out to give my hair a wavy look. And with that we were ready to go.

"Hey Scarlett" I say as Scarlett drives us to the party.

"Yeah" She responds, keeping her eyes on the road.

"Whose party are we going to?"


'Of course we are.' I think to myself.


It didn't take long for us to get there. Scarlett decided to park a block away just incase the cops showed up. So when we reached Tristan's house the front lawn was covered with red solo cups and drunk teenagers sleeping on the ground.

Finally we reached the open front door after weaving through the yard of drunk people and empty cups. When we stepped inside it looked like every cliche teenage party I have ever read about in books.

The music was blaring and strobe lights everywhere. People were dancing on the makeshift dance floor, but really it looked like people were have sex with their clothes on. From wall to wall it was people, crying drunk girls, stumbling drunk people, and the people who are too sober that stand off to the side judging everyone. Some drunk girls were having a cat fight right next to the front door and on the other side of the room some guys were fighting.

"Hey Phoebe!" Scarlett shouted over the loud music to get my attention.


"Let's go get some drinks." I nod and follow her through the mass of bodies to get to the kitchen. We finally get to the kitchen and find it fill with bottles of liquor. Scarlett walks forward into the kitchen looking at the bottles.

"What do you want to drink?" She asks.

"Um... a Coke." I say and she turns to look at me and gives me a disappointed look.

"You come to a party that is serving alcohol and you want a pop?" She says and I just nod my head in a yes motion.

"Come on Phoebe. Live a little." And with that she make a drink and hands it to me. I look at the liquid in the cup and back to her. She gives me a just-do-it-already look. Slowly I bring the cup up to my mouth and take a small sip. Immediately I cough and try to swallow the drink.

"What is that?" I ask Scarlett.

"Vodka, now drink it all." She says seriously. Following her demand I drink what was left in the cup. When I finished Scarlett took my cup and poured more vodka in it. She handed me the cup and then preceded to make a drink of her own.

"Now," Scarlett says as she turns to look at me, " let's go party." And with that she grabs one of my hands and drags me to the makeshift dance floor.

After a while of dancing with Scarlett I noticed my cup was empty and by that time I was extremely thirsty.

"Hey Scarlett, I'm going to get a refill." She just nods and continues to dance. I make my way through the crowd and and into the kitchen. I refill my cup with some vodka and look up at the door in the kitchen that leads to the backyard. Grabbing my cup I walk outside and sit down in one of the many chairs that rest next to the pool in the yard.

I sigh and look up at the sky, that is now dark and the stars are shining. Look back down at my drink and chug it down. I then sigh again and look at the sky look for the constellations. When I find the big dipper I sigh once again thinking of my parents and how we would always lay in our backyard and look at the constellations.

"Hey!" I nearly scream at the sound of some guys voice. I turn around in my chair and see that it's just Tristan.

"What do you want?" I sigh out and turn back around in my seat. I hear him walk over and sit down in the chair next to me.

"I want to know why you're out here sighing instead of inside partying like everyone else" He said.

"I just needed some air." I say looking back up at the sky.

"What's with all the sighing?" He asks.


"No, there is something and I want to know."

"I just my parents is all."

"Why? Aren't they at your house?"


"Then where are they?"

"In New York in some cemetery." I say, sighing once again.

"Oh." He says.

"Yeah, oh." I reply sarcastically. And with that I stand up and make my way back inside to the party.

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