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Hemophobia - Fear of blood

Tuesday December 2, 2014

I wake up and do my morning routine. When I had finished in the bathroom I walked into my closet and picked out a pair of black leggings, a dark green sweater, cream colored knit scarf , leg warmers, and a pair of tan ankle boots.

I walk downstairs and into the kitchen to make myself something to eat. When I finish I walk to the front door, grab my tan leather jacket and make my way outside, to my car, and then to school.

I made it into my art class and sat next to Scarlett. We don't talk very much even though we're friends, we just sit next to each other and sit in a comfortable silence. It didn't take long for class to start.

About ten minutes into the school day the speaker on the ceiling of the classroom turns on. The school's principal announced that all seniors are to come to the gymnasium for an assembly. So everyone in my class grabbed their things and started to make their way out of the classroom.

"Come on." Scarlett says. I scramble to grab my things and follow her to the gymnasium. As we walked there Tristan found us and walked with us.

"Have you fixed your jokes yet?" I asked Tristan. He just laughed and shook his head in a no manner.

Everyone had sat down on the bleachers as our principle started to explain that we are doing a blood donation. And as soon as I heard that I started to panic. I could not stand the sight of blood since I have witnessed my parents murder.

"Hey," Tristan whispered. "You okay?" I just nod my head in a yes manner not being able to talk.

"You sure?" He says sounding genuinely concerned. I once again just nod.

It was then that we were all asked to stand in a line to donate our blood. It didn't take long until I was next to donate my blood, it was then that I really started to panic. It didn't take long for me to start to have a panic attack.

I soon began to feel dizzy and started to shake. My surroundings had become blurry and I couldn't think about anything but escaping. If I didn't escape I knew I would faint. I needed to move, but I couldn't because I felt as though I was paralyzed. I tried looking around, but I couldn't see with all the black spots blocking my vision. I faintly heard someone calling my name. But before I could figure out who was calling my name I slipped into the darkness of sleep.


I suddenly jolt awake, my eyelids fluttering and my breath heavy. I look around at my surroundings confused as to where I was at. I turn my head to see Tristan leaning against the doorway of the room, watching my every move. I slowly sit up, wincing at the pain in my back and neck.

"How are you feeling." He asks.

"Fine, just a little bit of pain." As I talk I watch him walk over to me holding a bottle of water in one hand and something clenched in the fist of his other hand.

"Here." Tristan say holding the bottle of water out for me to take and some pills in his other hand that looked to be pain killers. I take the pills out of his hand and down them with the water. I look around again and then look up at him.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"Nurse's office."

"Why am I in here?"

"You don't remember?" He says.

"If I remembered why would I be asking?"

"Right," he says under his breath. "You had a panic attack during the blood donation thing and passed out." I just nod in understanding. I then stand up ready to go home. But before I could take a step Tristan gently pushes me back down to a sitting position.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Home." I say.

"C'mon I'll drive you home."

"What about my car?" I ask.

"Give me your keys and I'll drive you home in your car."

"What if I don't want you to drive me home, or even let you drive my car?" He just held his hand out for the keys staring me down. I let out a huff, dig into my pocket and hand him my keys.

"Let's go." Tristan says as soon as he has the keys. He lightly grabs my arm helping me stand and walk to the parking lot and to my car.

About two minutes into our drive to my house I ask,

"Why are you helping me out?"

"Honestly," he says giving me a quick glance before placing his eyes back on the road. "I don't know." The rest of our ride was spent in silence.

It didn't take long until we were parked in my driveway. The weird thing is I never told him where I lived. As I was getting out of the car Lucy came running out the front door. She came up to me and folded me into her arms.

"I'm so glad you're okay." She says. I just reassure her that I'm fine. When she lets go of me she turns to look at Tristan, who is now out of my car leaning against it, keys in hand.

"Thank you so much for taking care of her." My Aunt tells him. I just look at her like she's crazy.

"How do you two know each other?" I ask.

"Oh," Lucy says. "Tristan here is one of my buyers and art buddy."

"What exactly is an art buddy?"

"I just paint with her sometimes." Tristan says. I just nod my head still kind of creeped out.

"Let's all go inside. It kind of cold out here." Lucy says. Tristan and I nod and follow her inside, Tristan also hands me my keys as we walk.

'This is gonna be fun.' I think to myself sarcastically.

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