chapter8: fights

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Ok sorry it has taken so long to update .I am going to give you some really good chapters next .please do t give up on me:)

Bas ;)

I stretched my arms and opened my eyes to let in the morning light. The thing was I felt like I was on fire , like boiling so I looked around to address the situation. The time on my watch said it was 6:48, why was I up at this time I need to go back to sleep.

I tried to move my other arm but there was a head on it and I immediately knew it was leah' that's why I was so hot, it's like sleeping g next to a radiator. I just realised if Andy, who was less than three feet away, woke up and saw me and leah like this I'm sure my balls would be used as a money bag.

The problem was I actually liked being snuggled up with her , God I sound like such a pussy. If this was any other girl there would be a pillow replacing my arm and I'd be out the door.

I managed to get my arm free without waking leah up, then I put my arm around her waist instead , and went straight back to sleep. The next time I woke up, my watch said it was 9:03, I could hear fingers tapping against something so I turned my head and saw it was Jess on he phone. She looked at me and whispered

"You know if Andy wakes up and sees this your a dead man"

"It's nothing but harmless spooning , it's not like I'm playing hide the sausage with her" I said.

"Hide the sasauge..... Ok I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that" she said chuckling to herself.

Suddenly leah let out a scream and brought her elbow back to connect with my nose. It hurt like a motherfucker.

"Jesus Leah what the.....ow!!!!" I whinced while holding my bloody nose. I have been shot, I have been punched and I have been tortured for information but the nose is a very sensitive place and when it gets hit your on a fast train to the watery eyes.I wasn't crying but my eyes did start watering.

Leah was up in a flash and so was Andy.luckily me and leah were apart due to the nose hitting drama.

"Oh Bas I'm sorry I thought I was falling in my dreams and I jerked awake, I'm so so so sorry!!" She looked at me.

"What is happening leah did you do this ? And why ? What did Bas do? Did he make a pass at you? I swear to God..." Andy started saying.

"Oh cool your tits Andy it was an accident there's no need for you to get worked up". Leah said calmly. Andy kept opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water.

"I'm sorry it's just.."he said "...I will have to go to the shop to get some breakfast, you two help Bas" Leah nodded her head and tended to me.

" Hey Jess will you go with him, I know he is well able to handle his drink but just to be safe" leah said. Then Jess started protesting.

"Not happening!! No way hosay!!"

"What wrong sweetheart, you afraid of a little one on one time with me?" He said to he with a wink.

" you see this is What I have to put up with, he is like a dog in heat, but becaause I'm your best friend I will do it ok" she said , I think she likes Andy but is denieing it.

" haha nice, the wink was a good touch" I said while holding bloody nose.

"Thanks man, they never can resist it" Andy replied .

Both the girls looked at us in disgust.Then looked at each other and at the same time just shook their head and said "men"

When Andy and Jess finally left. I was sitting on the couch with a bag of frozen peas on my nose. Jess had stopped and started and how sorry she was.

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