Chapter 1

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I looked up at the iron bars, and was trying to figure out how do I escape them, and if I manage to get out of the cell, what do I do about the giant invader who was posted there, he was incredibly tall and stocky, just the sight of him sent tremors through my body.

If somehow I managed to get him out of the way, what was there outside this cellar, where was I?

I was so confused, I wished I was with my family , I wished I was with Ashraf, whenever I was scared, he was there, whenever I needed support he was there, I needed his embrace, I needed his support. He was always there for me since our marriage, no matter what the problem was, everything seemed easy with him by my side.

Now here I was facing my worst fears, although I needed him, I was glad he was safe at home, taking care of our kids.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard the door open, time was difficult on me, it felt like ages I have been here and I saw another invader come with a tray in his hand.

He walked towards the giant and I could hear them speak, I didn't understand their language, I went cold again, not knowing what is going to happen next, I looked as the giant walked out the cellar now.

The new invader walked towards the cell with the tray in his hands, he slid the tray inside my cell, without looking at me. He was not as tall as the other invader and not as stocky either, but he was still bigger than me, I did think for a second maybe I could take him down instead, but what was I thinking, these were trained soldiers.

This man brought the chair closer to my cell and sat with his back turned towards me, he was a few feet away from my cell.

I buried my face into my knees again.

"Do you speak English" came a very hoarse voice.

Another chill ran through me, This person was trying to talk with me, how dare he. I was just relieved that he was sitting with his back turned towards me and I was free from the stare of "that giant", but I didn't want him to speak with me, I hated all of them.

I kept quiet.

"What is your name"

Fear and anger both crawling up on me.

I didn't answer.

After a while he looked back and saw the tray untouched and said, "it's food, you need it."

What I needed was to get out of this place, this place which I didn't know where it was, and even If I managed to get out, which direction was I supposed to go.

Just the sight of the invaders scared me, how am I going to come up with an escape plan, and even If I did , do I have the courage to actually do it.

I will do it, for Ashraf and for our kids.

The silence broke again.

"I joined these people three months back."

Great, now he had decided to talk about himself.

"Blending in was the first thing I had to do. But they had trained me well, I blended in pretty quick"

I didn't like his hoarse voice, but I wondered who are "they".

"There are camera's here so don't react when I talk, and when you want to give me an answer do so without moving, I don't want them to know that I am speaking with you"

I was starting to wonder what he was getting at.

"Like I said they trained me well, and by "they" I mean our freedom fighters"

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