slumber parties

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                              We knocked at the door and luis opend it. "Come n in, love" he said with that sweet sweet british acent. i blushed.

                                 We walked in and saw 3 bys siting in a lunge area

                                Zayn was n the cuch in to middle of Niall and Harry. Luis walk ut frm behind us and sat n aonther couch. Then we here a flush and liam came walking out of the bathroom. as he walked out he saw us and blushed " I did not Know you were here"

.........................................................After a while

I has now on harrys lap and adrienne and aiyana and Liam and Niall were all lying n the floor. Briley was on the same couch as harry and I and louis and Zayn were on the other couch.

                             We all have now became the best of friends. Me and harry were aspeshally so was Aiyana and Niall.

                                     I was having alot of fun with them espally louis he was sooo random and niall ohhhhhhhhhh niall, he is such a potty mouth gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

...............................................After 3 pizzas 2 movies and 1 twit cam 

                                 It was time to go home now and I was not happy with that at all. I wanted to spend the night there but we had to go.

                                   When we got there we had another slumber party!!!!!!!!!!!! I bet its gona be like this all summer one big slumber party.

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