chapter 11

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Becca's P.O.V

I stood looking over my best friend her face was bruised and her legs looked battered and bruised. We couldn't believe they had done this. Lily had heard screaming and found Taylor and Rihanna attacking Katie because of Harry. She rang the police and then rang Niall to explain and then rang me and Kevin. We went over as soon as we knew. Just as we arrived we saw the police leading them two bitches out of the house and into a police car. The doctor had arrived and said that she was fit to travel tomorrow as long as she took it easy. Katie was still asleep and me, Vicky (her mum), Lily and Kevin was waiting in her room. Lily had just got off the phone to Niall. Harry. I completely forgot oh I hope he will be ok.

Harry's P.O.V

"Harry, it's Katie, she's been attacked," Niall said running into my room. I stood up at looked at the boys in shock who was now crowding into my room. "Please tell me it's a joke," I said. The boys shook their heads before Niall said, "Sorry mate it's not, Lily just phoned and said she caught some girls hitting her but the good news is Katie's fine and we will be able to travel tomorrow." I was so glad she was alright but I knew she wasn't coming. "She's not coming guys," I said and showed her the text. "Harry, Katie didn't send that text. One of the girls sent it while they was attacking Katie she sent it before Lily could stop her," Niall said. I was so relieved that she was coming and was ok.

Lily's P.O.V

It was all my fault. I should have locked the door when Mum went out, instead of leaving it unlocked. If I had locked it my baby sister wouldn't look so hurt, it was my fault.

Katie's P.O.V

I woke up to my head pounding. I opened my heads to see five headings peering over me. "What the fuck happened to me? "I asked unsure of how I ended up like this. Kevin and Becca gave a little laugh that was soon joined in by Mum and Lily. "Taylor and Rihanna attacked you sweetheart." Mum said soothingly. Those bitches I thought. I tried to sit up but I couldn't as my ribs were killing. Kevin saw my distress and helped me up. "Get some rest know sweetheart," Mum said. "I will but do the boys know and will I be able to tomorrow." I asked. Mum nodded her head; I was so happy that those to cows wasn't going to let me miss an opportunity of a lifetime.

Lily's P.O.V

"Niall, it's Lily," I said as Niall picked up his mobile. "Who is it?" I heard a manly voice ask, sounding like Harry. "It's Lily,"Niall said. Before I could speak to Niall another voice spoke, "Lily how is Katie?" Harry asked sounding a mixture of worried and pissed off. "She just woke up and is getting some rest and we will still be meeting you at Heathrow tomorrow," I replied. "Thank god, for that as long as she is ok. Anyway I'll pass you back onto Niall," Harry said passing the phone to Niall. "Hey babe, Niall said down the phone, I'm missing you." I said, "I'm missing you too, Niall but is has only been a couple of hours. He said, "I know that but I'm missing the way you look in bed and I really wanna..." I interrupted before he could say anymore. "Niall my mother is in the room," I said as I looked at my mother who just winked at me before leaving the room. "Oh crap, why didn't you say?" he asked. "Well Niall you didn't really give me a chance. Oh I've got to go know. See you tomorrow." He said "Bye, love you babe." Oh my lord this was the first time he told me her loved me. "Love you to Niall," I replied and I meant it I did love him and with that I ended the call. Just then mum walked into the room and said, "You better be going to bed babe you've got an early start tomorrow." I may be 18 but I did what I was told and headed off to bed.

Katie's P.O.V

I yawned it was 5.30 in the morning and I was freezing my ass off as I waited for Mum to load my bags off the van. I was sore after yesterday but I want as bruised as I thought I would be. My face was the worst but it was nothing a spot of make-up couldn't solve. "Have a brilliant time you four," mum said as she unloaded the last of the things off the van, and I've got a few presents for you," and she handed a bag full of things I feared she would give us. It was a bag full of condoms and morning after pills. I looked up at Mum as a smirk grew on her face. "Mum," me and Lily said in unison. I could just see Kevin and Becca laughing at us, so I grabbed one of the things out of my bag and threw it at them, which shut them up. "You can never have too many" mum said. "But mum, I haven't gone there yet," I said. "Yes you may not have but the time is coming and your sister will need them, she said glancing over at Lily who was on her phone, you should have them on the phone last night." I didn't really want to tell mum about what me and Harry had heard the other night or Lily would never forgive me. "Anyway I've got some magazines to read for all you four," she said handing Kevin a big bag of magazines. I was lucky; I didn't have to pull my suitcase seen as I was on crutches, I only had my backpack with my things in to carry. "Have a fab time you lot," mum said giving us all a hug and a kiss. "I'm sure we will, Vicky," said Kevin. I gave Mum a last hug and kiss before we headed off to the terminals. I looked at my watch and checked the time; we had 30 minutes before we had to board the plane. So we all headed into Greggs and grabbed a sandwich has we hadn't even had an breakfast. By time we had ate and had a wee and checked in we had five minutes to spare before we had to board, so we all headed to the boarding terminals. Standing by the terminals was the boys all pacing. "Lily,"Niall sang running towards Lily and then picking her up. You'd think they hadn't seen in each other in months, the way they was acting. "Katie!" all they boys shouted as they ran up to me and gave me a hug. I noticed Harry was a bit distance. " Thanks guys, I'm alright just a little sore," I said. I then walked over to Harry and said, " Cheer up big guy." He chuckled and then kissed me. "What's in the bag?" asked Zayn. Me and Lily looked at each other hoping they wouldn't have asked that. "Well, our mum kinda gave us know protection," Lily mumbled. All they boys cracked up laughing. " Oh that's good, we can use them later," Niall chuckled looking over at Lily who was blushing violently. " Seriously Niall, I really do not wish to know about yours and my sisters sex life," I said. This made them laugh even more and Louis and Zayn was cuddled up in a ball on the ground in laughter. " Did, she give you any?" Harry asked me. I nodded my head. " Good," he said. Seriously all these boys are perverts. "Come on then, we better board the plane," said Liam and with that we all walked towards the terminal.

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