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"Kaya hurry up! We're going to be late?" Thomas yells from the lounge.
"Just wait! I'm just putting stuff in my bag." I yell back. Soon I have everything packed and I just needed to grab my purse, phone and keys and I'll be on my way.
"Kaya are you done yet!?" I stifle a laugh as Thomas starts getting mad at me. We're taking my car and he's with me.
"Yes I'm coming now." I say. Dragging my suitcase behind me.
I get downstairs and Thomas is already outside packing the car. I walk outside and put my bags in the back. The boys are also waiting for us in their car.
"Took you long enough." Thomas says but I know he's joking. He's even smiling making it hard to deny it.
"Well I am a girl." He chuckles and I open the drivers side door and get in. He does the same and soon we're on the road. To Louisiana. To the maze runner set.
(2 hours later)
"Kaya I'm hungry." This has been going on for half an hour. I'm hungry too and there is a service station up ahead.
"Yes I know. I am too and don't use my full name. Tell the boys that we're dropping into a service station." I say and he sends off a speedy text. Soon Will replies with an ok. And so we have double the attention. Yay.
After 10 minutes we reach the servo and we go in. I wait for the guys then we go in. Only to have several fans attacking us. Especially Thomas. Soon I gain enough courage to open my mouth. Even if it does mean that they attack me.
"Ok girls enough." I say and they look at me. Then I realise that one of them looks like a mega bitch.
"Um and who are you. A no body?" She asks. Then snickers.
"I'm with them. And no I'm not a no body so back off. He needs his space." Then I walk off to order some food. I also order some for Thomas. As I'm standing there waiting for it I hear someone.
"Hey you're an actor right? Kaya Scodelario?" I turn my head to the girl. I don't know her which brings me to the conclusion of she's a fan.
"Yeah I am. Sorry who are you?" I ask. A little confused. But she laughs as if it's the funniest thing she's heard.
"Oh I'm Jessica. I'm a big fan of yours." She says. I swear she could break her jaw if she tries to smile any bigger.
"Oh well that's nice. Listen it was really nice meeting you but I have to go." I say then collect my food before running out of there with the guys following close behind me. We get to our cars and this time I'm in the passenger seat and Thomas is driving.
After a few minutes of silence and listening to the radio Thomas breaks it.
"Thanks." He says.
"What do you mean?" I ask. Confused.
"For what you did when those girls saw us." He said.
"It was nothing. I can tell you're getting sick of it." I say and laugh. I know Thomas very well and I know that he loves being an actor but being as cute as he is it isn't hard for the girls to be all over him.
We sit in silence for a while. The songs on the radio were crap and I didn't have any good CDs so we sat there. In silence. Which was nice. It's very rare when we do get it. Considering we have the guys.
As we're sitting there I get a text which scares the hell out of me because it was so quiet. Thomas notices and tries to hide his laughter. But can't.
"Shut up." I say. Whining like a three year old. I check my phone and notice it's Dylan.
Hey Kaya. Wanna do a car swap? -Dylan.
I reply with a yes and get Thomas to pull over after explaining what we're doing. I get out of the car and I swap with Will. So I'm in Dylan's car and I leave my car in the trusty hands of Thomas.
"Hey Dyl." I say and put my seatbelt on. Dylan's driving so I once again get to sit back and relax. This time Dylan has a cd in the car so I turn it on. It's not the first time I've been in this car and it certainly won't be the last. The cd is so fresh the hits of autumn 2015. I turn it up and sing close to every song on the cd. Dylan laughing half the time at how my voice can sometimes crack making me sound horrible. I am a good singer. Just not as talented as some singers.
After a while I see Dylan almost falling asleep so I get him to pull over and I'll drive. I've already had a sleep anyway so I'm as alert as can be. There's only another hour until we reach Louisiana anyway.
After around 4 hours of driving we have reached Louisiana and I have never been so glad to get out of driving. I wake Dylan up who is snoring his absolute head off. Eventually he wakes up but it wasn't easy. I ended up pouring a trickle of water over him getting him up.
"Dyl we're here." And by here I mean at the hotel. By the looks of it the director Wes also just got here so we're good. I get out of the car as does Dylan and walk over to Wes.
"Hi Wes." I say. A little nervous.
"Hello and I'm guessing your my Teresa and he's my Thomas." He says. I laugh but nod my head.
"Yep and Gally and Newt should be on their way." I say and he smiles. I walk back to my car which has now shown up and get mine and Thomas' luggage out. I wheel mine in with the guys following behind me. When I walk through the double doors of the hotel I am astonished. The motel is gorgeous. It has an amazing lobby with chandeliers hanging from the roof and lots of furniture. There is also a play area for the kids. Wes volunteers to get the key cards so we wait on the furniture. None of us have to talk to know what we are all thinking. This place is amazing. Finally Wes comes back with our cards and I volunteer to wait outside for the other actors who are in their way here.
After waiting for 10 minutes and when I'm about to walk in two others show up. One is Dexter Darden and the other one i think is Ki Hong Lee. Who is super cute by the way. They see me waiting and get their things out then walk towards me.
"Hi guys." I say.
"Hi your Kaya right?" Ki Hong asks. I giggle and nod.
"I sure am." I say.
"Well I'm Dexter." Dexter says.
"And I'm Ki Hong but please call me Ki." He says. Though that last bit sounded a little desperate.
"I Think I can do that." I say and hand them their keys and tell them what floor we're on. After another half hour the entire cast has shown up. Which means I finally get to see my room. I gave my luggage to the boys so I could get out here asap.
I go to the elevator and push the level that the cast is on which is the top level and find my room number then unlock the door. And it's just as gorgeous as the lobby. Except it's a full on ensuite. A king size bed and a mini lounge. There's also an ensuite bathroom. I know weird but it's true. I settle down on the bed and decide to get changed and settled in. After all I will be here for around 2-3 months. Might as well get comfortable.

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