A/n and chapter 17

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I am trying to update as much as I can but I do have school so please don't get mad as I'm only in year 7 and still have to attend school. So yeah and if you have any ideas for the story please pm me or comment and I will check it out. I'm thinking of making a competition for a new cover for the story if you would like to participate in that you're most welcome too. Hope you enjoy this next chapter!!😄😄😄😄

The sight I was looking at was a mix of utter shock and humor. Ki Hong Lee, the Ki Hong Lee is drunk. Really drunk. I didn't think it would be this hilarious. After my moment of shock I start laughing. There is really nothing else to do but laugh.

"Ki are you ok?" I ask. Slightly worried for him.

"I'm fine. I just needed to see you." He slurs and I laugh.

"OK well you can see me later today at the set. How does that sound?" I tell him and he nods

"Perfect." He slur once again and this time I keep my laughter in.

"OK well how about I show you to your room and you can have a sleep." I ask him.

"Sounds like a plan." He smirks and I make a gross face. I shrug it off and show him to his room where I unlock the door for him.

"There you go. Now get some sleep. We are on set today." And with that I close the door and go back to my room. Laughing silently to myself.

I close the door behind me and get back to making my pancakes which I took off the hotplate before I opened the door. I finish making them and decide to surprise the others who I hope aren't hungover. Then I thought better of it and went to Blake's room to surprise him since I know he wakes up pretty early.

"Blake. Are you awake?" I knock on the door then hear shuffling.

"Who is it?" He asks. Awake and alert as ever.

"Its Kaya. Can I come in?" I ask. Then decide I should tell him I have pancakes. "I have pancakes." The door opens as fast as I can blink and he is dragging me into the room ready to eat pancakes.

"Why didn't you just say come in?" I ask. Holding my hands in the air so that he cant get the pancakes.

"Because I'm hungry and don't know how to cook." I laugh.

"Well I've made enough so that EVERYONE can have 2. Got it?" I ask. He nods and I put the plate on the table. He grabs his two and puts Nutella on them. I put sugar and butter on mine. There is also cho chips in them so they are pretty sweet.
While Blake is gourmandising himself in on my phone checking my Instagram and Facebook. Taking photos and tagging Blake while doing so. (I don't know if Blake Cooper has Instagram or not so just pretend he does.) as soon as I send the photo of the pancakes I got 2,000 likes instantly. Who the hell is up at this hour!?!? I shrug it off and continue eating my pancakes which are delicious! I am amazing. When Blake finishes his and I finish mine it's around the time where everyone else gets up. So I basically do 'room service' for the entire cast. Which they love me for.
Then I get to Ki's room. The remaining two pancakes left are for him. I can't just give them away. I knock on the door. Nothing. I knock again. Once again nothing. I sigh and unlock the door and he's sleeping. Looking so peaceful. I go walk out but he must've woken up because he says my name.
"Kaya?" He asks. I stop in my tracks and turn around. "Whatcha doin'?" He asks.
"Oh I was dropping off pancakes." I say. He immediately wakes up and runs over to me.
"Where are they?" I point over at the table I set them down on and he runs to it. He takes a bite and his face falls.
"These are delicious." He comments and I laugh.
"I've been told. Well I gotta go. Return the plate." With that I walk out the door and to my room where I get into the clothes I need for filming then put my clothes over the top.
We reach the set.
Of course Wes is here and the producers but apart from that the streets were empty and the snake wranglers are on their way. They have jobs at the set since we're filming in the 'wild' and there could be snakes. So everyday they come and everyday they find snakes. They know where they hide. Once I even tried to find one but got in trouble for running through the forest and he to go back to where I was supposed to be. With the others.
"All I want to do is catch one snake. Just one." I complain to Dylan. My carrying on just makes him laugh.
"Yeah but even if you did find one you'd probably scream and run." He says and I look up through my curtain I hair.
"Is that a challenge?" I ask.
"Maybe." He replies. Then we get up and run to where the snake catchers are. We see them and they have made a sign. Beware of the snakes😄😄😄😄.
We look at each other and laugh. Then they come with of course, another new bag of snakes. I feel a lump in my throat but swallow it.
"Want to see a snake?" One of them ask me.
"Sure." I reply. He opens the bag and I see 10 snakes. I scream. Despite Dylan ring there I scream. He was right. I would've screamed.
"Hey Kaya. I told you." He says.
"Tell me what?" I ask. Acting stupid.
"That you would scream." He says. Laughing.
"Hey I've never seen a snake before alright." I say. We walk off and go to the set where we will film me arriving in the glade. Here we go.

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