perfect flaws. {2}

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                “Holden, Jamie, TJ and Kieran, stand up and come to the front.” The four named boys, stood up from their various seats in the Science classroom. The teacher, Mr Tulloch, a middle aged man with a balding spot in the middle of his head, beckoned them to the front.

                “I want you to walk out of here, in single file.” He held the door open as they followed each other out.

                She watched with amused eyes. Picking up on the fact that none of them even questioned his decision.

                Gullible, flaw.

                Closing the door after them, he ran a hand through his rapidly thinning hair. “That is one example of a current. They’re following in single file, creating no friction. Why would it be sufficient that there isn’t any friction?”

                Randomly pointing his finger towards one of the helpless teenagers in the class, it landed on the girl beside her. The said girl bounced in her seat, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose with the tip of her finger.

                “The step-up transformers increase the voltage and decrease the current. The current being decreased means that there isn’t any friction between the electrons. You wouldn’t want heat produced, because it is wasted energy.”

                Nodding, Mr Tulloch turned back around and opened the classroom door. “Walk in at the same time.” He told the four, stepping back and returning to his desk.

                She watched carefully, as all 4 boys tried to squeeze their bodies into the narrow doorframe at once, struggling to make it through. Of course they would, their large frames were ruining any chances of them making it into the classroom.

                And then she wondered if she was asleep for the whole relationship she had with Jamie.

                Idiotic, flaw.

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