how it came about

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I was on a press conference of avengers age of ultron in San Diego.

I was sitting between Chris and Jeremy like on the poster. I think that they don't like each other. It was so boring and Chris and I were playing tic tac toe or telling us jokes. After the conference we had some interviews and then we drove to our hotels. Chris, Jeremy, Samuel, Robert and I were living in the same hotel.

J: Hey Scarlett, do you like to come over to me and having lunch I just ordered something.

S: No sorry but I'm not hungry. Maybe another time.

I went to my room and saw Chris standing in front of my door.

S: Hey Chris everything alright?

C: I just wanted to talk with you.

S: Great, come in. I opened the door and walked in. Chris walked in after me and closed the door. I put off my heels and throwed me on the couch. Chris plopped himself beside me.

S: So what do you wanted to talk about.

C: It's very embarrassing but I met someone many years ago and now we are friend and maybe I feel more then only amity and wanted to talk about it with you.

S: Chris you never told me. Who is it?

C: I can't tell you but she's the most beautiful and smartest person I've ever met. She has a razor sharp intellect to have fun.
But I'm afraid to tell her that.

S: There is no problem if she don't feel the same you still can be friends. Just tell her that. And if she feels the same than you can be a couple.

C: I wish but she is already taken.

S: That's too bad but if you don't tell her, it will oppress you.

C: Okay I will do it now.

Now ? OK? Chris moved closer to me I was surprised. He was slowly moving his head to my. I was getting my head slowly to his too. Human nature. We were coming us closer until our lips met. Finally I was waiting so long for this. I thought he doesn't feel the same but actually the woman he was just talking about was me. I felt happiness and strangely enough, desire. I pressed my lips harder on his and the kiss got deeper. I broke the kiss to get air.
S: Is the woman you just talked about, me?

C: Your absolutely right.

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