Everyone Needs Friends

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"Yes, Al?"

"Why were you seen with the enemy?"

"Gil is not the enemy."

"Come on, hes a bad kid! He drinks already!"

"So? Hes a year older."


Matthew rolled his eyes as his over excitable twin, Alfred freaked out. "And he's not as bad as you'd think. He's very nice and smart... you can tell by the way he looks at people. Like he can tell exactly who they are and if they're good inside or not." Alfred stared. "Do you have a crush?" "Of course not! That's ridiculous." Alfred sighed and picked up his Xbox controller. "Seriously, don't get a thing for that guy. Everyone who's ever been with him gets their heart broken." "Yes, I know." Matthew returned to his book next to his brother.

"Alfie?" "Mm?" "Can I lay on your lap? I wanna nap but i feel lazy." Alfred laughed, knowing how many times he'd done the exact same thing. He raised his arm, inviting the younger twin to lay on his lap. Matthew laid his head on his brother and fell asleep quickly.



"Yes, Gilbert?"

"I finished iiiit!" Matthew smiled and reached up to pat Gilbert's head, shocking his friends when he allowed it. "Good." "Do you want it back?" "Maybe later on. Anyway, is that all you needed? I need to get all these back to the library-" Matthew suddenly dropped all the books onto his foot. About 12 pounds of books.


"Oh, dear."


"OWWW! AUGH MERDE! LIVRES STUPIDE! AUGH!" The blonde swore enough to make a sailor blush as he grasped at his swolen foot. The bad touch trio stared.




When Matthew finally calmed down, everyone took five of his books and helped him to the library. "So you speak French?" Francis asked. Matthew kneeled down, handing certain books to the Frenchman to hold for him until he checked them out. "Yes, my mother was French and my father's from Quebec. Hold this please?" Francis took the heavy book. "Mon ami, if you don't get so many books at once, maybe you wouldn't have dropped such a large stack on your foot." Matthew froze. "T-That makes sense...But then id have to keep going back every day!" "You already do, Birdie." Gilbert commented from where Antonio and him were reading a Guinness book of world records. "That is true. Well, okay, I guess this is enough for the weekend." The two stood and Francis gave the stack to Matthew. "Thank you." "No problem, mon cher." Matthew blushed slightly and rushed over to the checkout counter. This didn't go unnoticed by Gilbert. He felt a pang of something unfamiliar in his chest. Glaring at Francis, he muttered, "Nice one, Francy-Pants." Being the blonde he is, he didn't realize that something was up with Gilbert. Antonio sighed, knowing shit was going to start.

"Okay, I'm all done. Did you three want to do something? I-I mean, only if you wanna! I don't wanna intrude..." "of course you would not intrude, Mathieu! You are our friend now, oui?" Matthew blushed happily and smiled. "Yeah!"

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