Locked In

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The group was pissed. Well, not Feliciano. He's always happy. "Ugh! Now we can't go to my place!" A new teacher, Arthur Kirkland was staring out the window. The world outside was completely snowed in, making the group stuck inside the school. Matthew spoke up. "Well, I happen to know where the backup blankets are and we can get the heaters out. We can still tell our stories, and have fun. So lets cheer up!"

Mr. Kirkland looked over to the group of friends. He stood up. "Jones, come with me. Let's get the heaters and the others go get blankets and snacks. Looks like we'll be here awhile." Alfred went scarlet and nodded vigorously, standing up.

Francis raised an eyebrow. "He's got it bad." "Totally." "Huh?" Matthew cocked his head to the side cutely. "He's got what bad?" Even Feliciano sighed at his innocence. "Is he sick?" Gilbert facepalmed. "You're too innocent for your own good. Come on, lets go get blankets."


"Jones." "Y-Yeah?" Arthur looked over. "Can i call you Alfred?" "Yeah, I'd like that." "Good. You can call me Arthur if you want. But only outside of school." "Alright... Arthur." Arthur was having a difficult time dragging a heater up the stairs. "Dude, you need help teach?" "No, I've got it! Rrgh!!" Alfred rolled his eyes and lifted the end of it up with one hand, carrying his with the other. ".......you git." "Hey!" The two brought up the heaters.


"Mattie?" Matthew looked over. "Yes, Gilbert?" "I...I don't feel too good..." Matthew put down his blankets. "Gil, come here." Gilbert slowly shuffled ahead to Matthew. "Gilbert, when did you eat last?!" "Um...last night, I think?" "Dummy! Here, I have the rest of the soup you gave me." Matthew gave Gilbert the soup. Gilbert shook his head. "No, its yours!" "Gilbert Beilshmidt, eat this right now!" Matthew cried. Gilbert groggily looked at his Canadian. He gasped. Matthew was crying.

"P-Please, Gil! I don't wanna see you hurt! I'll be fine, but you wont! So please eat it! Please!" Matthew cried. Gilbert sat and leaned against the wall. He held out his hand, relieving Matthew. The blonde gave him the rest of his soup. Gilbert drank it. "Are you better?" "Mhm. At least until tomorrow morning. Thanks."


Gilbert held a hand to his stinging cheek. "W-wha?" "You dummy! Don't scare me like that!" Matthew flopped down onto his bum and buried his face into his best friend's jacket. "I...I'm sorry, Birdie. I didn't mean to worry you." "...sometimes I hate you." "Please don't." Gilbert wrapped his arms around Matthew. "I won't." "Good." The two stayed like that for a moment. "Birdie?" "Mm?" "We oughta get these blankets up there." "Aw. But its warm." "The blankets will be warm." "Then can we share ours up there while they tell the stories?" "Well, if you insist."


"I found hot chocolate!" Feliciano popped out of nowhere. "So lets start the stories!" Gilbert said, taking his mug from Feli. Everyone grabbed his mugs and ducked under their blankets. "Who's first?" Gilbert raised his hand. "I vote Birdie!" Matthew blinked. "Um, okay." Everyone stared at the tiny blonde as he began to speak.

"Let me tell you a story. I don't know if you'd believe it or not. Even I can't believe it, still pretty shaken up. Anyway... this happened a few weeks ago. I woke up in the morning bored as always, so I thought of doing something to ease my boredom. I'm pretty in to horror and stuff."

All eyes were on Matthew as he smiled creepily. Gilbert thought, 'This is gonna be good!'

"I like scaring myself and I guess you could say I have a pretty wide imagination (still hoping it was just my imagination, which is really probable OTL). Reading stuff about mirrors and reflections, I thought how creepy it is how my reflection keeps staring at me. Well, I know that's what reflections are supposed to do but I was bored and I wanted to scare myself a little. I thought of writing my reflection self a letter, so with great effort (well, not really... kind of a lazy ass), I wrote a letter in mirror writing. It reads:

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