New findings

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The counselors had gathered us A.K.A Nicole, Rouge, Skye and me in the cafeteria. Skye stuck close to me as she held onto my shirt like she used to when we were little.

“Good morning girls” Ms. Jane said.

“Good morning” we answered in unison.

“Okay girls. Today the survival trial begins and we have chosen you four to go in the name of Camp Lakewood.” She said proudly. We all stood shocked. Why the hell had she chosen us? Couldn’t she have chosen someone else?

“Yes ma’am” I answered for us. Ms. Jane handed us our camps bags with everything we would need. Each of us had a different thing in her bag and we were only to open it when we were around one mile from the premises. I knew how the rules went. We would be in the wilderness for four days and try to survive with what we had. The team that came in to their camp before the four days were up would lose. In the case of a tie they would go by in what shape the group was and the group in the best shape would win.

“We will escort you out of the camp premises” Ms. Jane said as her assistant Julie stood beside her. We left the cafeteria getting up on the jeep. As we drove back girls shouted good luck to us and that they hoped we would win.

Once we had reached the outskirts of the camps territory Ms. Jane stopped the jeep and let us get out.

“Good luck girls!” Julie shouted at us as they drove away.

I sighed and strapped my bag to my shoulders, “lets get going” I said. Skye walked along side me as Nicole and Rouge hung to the back chatting away.

Three miles into the trail we came across the river we were looking for and set our bags down. I touched the river with my finger. The water was semi cold but it was refreshing to the hot temperature. The flow of the river was slow and flowing with no rocks or fast rapids.

Skye opened our bags pulling what we had out. One tents, four cans of water empty. Three smalls bags with fruit and other food and some clothes to change with. There were also sleeping bags, a compass, and a map with the trails back to camp highlighted.

“What we have we can survive with and the water we just found so that’s nothing to worry about” Nicole said. I looked around, I kept getting the feeling we were being watched.


We hid behind the tree lines watching the girls sort out their stuff. We also noticed how Skye followed Jade around as she organized everything. They had set up their tent and sorted out their food water. We had already done all that and had found a way across the river. Now we were just sitting here watching them.

“They’re hot”

We all snapped our heads towards Alek. The other guy that is with us during the survival trials… sadly for us.

“We know” I said.

He pushed himself off the tree he was leaning against. He hid sat behind the bush next to us getting a better look at them.

“I like the one with dark brown hair and the one with red hair” he said. I glared at him and grasped his shoulder tightly making him flinch.

“Sadly for you the one with red hair is taken” I warned. I tried not to laugh as his eyes flashed with fear. He backed away and held his hands up.

“Sorry man didn’t know she was you girlfriend”

Not yet… I added silently in my head, but she will be.

“Hey the other one is still available” he shrugged.

Evan snapped Xander’s earbuds of his ears making him look up, “What?”

“Hey Alek say that again I didn’t hear you” Aaron said.

“I said that the other one. The one with dark brown hair is still available” Alek repeated we all waited for Xander’s reaction, but he just shrugged and went back to his music, but only like the rest of the idiots. I had known Xander the longest and knew he was mad and was trying not to show it. He gripped his jeans tightly and kept looking down. Same old Xander always bottling everything up inside.

I just rolled my eyes and went back to staring when everything got more interesting. Much more interesting.


“Lets take a bath. Cause I’m sweaty and stink and that river sure looks inviting” Nicole whined.

“Sure” I said gripping the hem of my shirt and taking it off. It was a good thing we were all wearing bathing suits underneath. I slid of my shorts and stepped into the cool refreshing water. Nicole, Skye, and Rouge followed behind me. I went to the middle of the river where the water reached my neck and submerged my self under.

I opened my eyes my vision going blurry from the water but soon enough it cleared up allowing me too see what was beneath the surface. I swam around when something shinning from the light caught my eye. I saw deeper and grabbed it pulling it from the ground. I gasped letting the air that I was holding out and swam back up in a hurry.

I sat on the muddy bank running my hands over the smooth gold lid. Skye and Nicole came up behind me looking at what I held in my hands.

“That’s so pretty!” Nicole said. I nodded ‘yes’ opening the lid and gasping. In the middle of the blue velvet like inside laid a necklace. It was weathered but it was beautiful. I picked up the necklace staring at it. It had pinkish stone in the middle surrounded by a golden intricate design.

“Can I have it?” Nicole asked.

“Nope! Finders keepers!” I said

 Nicole pouted crossing her arms, “No fair” she whined.

“I know” I said putting the necklace back inside and closing the lid.

We went inside our tent after a while. It was getting dark and we decided to go to bed. The feeling that we were being watched had never left but I just shrugged it off and enjoyed the rest of the day.

I laid down on my sleeping bag and pulled up hers next to mine and grabbed my hand. I saw Rouge sulking in the corner most likely missing her twin.

“Skye go with Rouge she’s sad” I whispered.

Skye nodded and pushed her sleeping bag towards Rouge. Rouge smiled and they curled up together falling sleep. I smiled and looked at Nicole who was fast sleep. I sighed knowing that I had to go to sleep also. Soon enough surrounded by my thoughts I fell sleep.


Hey people! I uploaded sooner than expected! Anyways I’m doing the whole vote thing again so 15 votes 10 comments for the next chapter! 

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