After Math Part. 1

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I stood stunned. I couldn’t focus on one of the many thoughts that were rushing through my head at a thousand miles per second. My mom. My mom was ALIVE, ALIVE after crying all this time thinking that she was dead, that I was never going to see her again.

The sound of the door opening brought me back. I turned towards it too see my dad standing there with a shocked expression on his face. Shock turned to fear and guilt, which made the rage that, was boiling inside me even worst. How dare he lie to me! To us!

“How could you!?” I screamed at him throwing my fist in the air. Jade was standing next to my moms’ bed unmoving. It was like she couldn’t move.

“Skye calm down” Dad pleaded. Seconds later aunt Kari came in holding a file of papers in her hand.

“Calm down. Calm down!!! YOU LIED!!!!!!!”

I’m pretty sure that my screaming could be heard outside because a nurse walked in looking mad. Well if she was mad than I was down right pissed. I felt like taking the needles that laid in a tray and stabbing them all. Harsh but I felt betrayed. Cheated on. Fooled. Anger. But out of all of those the one I felt the most was hurt. Hurt that my own father, my aunts and uncles had been lying to our faces.

They had seen us suffer, all of us. Rouge, Jade, Chris, Nicole, and me. They saw how Rouge and I became unattached for a while. Not speaking to anyone but Jade and our selves. Yet they didn’t say anything through out all of that year. Instead they stood silent let us suffer.

“Skye…” Aunt Kari began but Jade cut her off.

“Don’t. You out of all people should know what its like to believe your mother is dead than finding out that she’s not” Jade hissed venom lacing her voice.

That was how Jade worked. She didn’t get angry, she didn’t shout, she slowly made you suffer by making you feel miserable.

“Girls please. Let us explain” Dad begged.

“Explain what?” I asked huddling closer to my moms bed, “that you lied? That you betrayed us? That you watched us suffer and you didn’t say anything? Is that what you have to explain?”

“The doctors say she might never come back from the comma. We didn’t want you guys to suffer more if we ended up having to disconnect her from life support”

“NO!” I shouted grabbing Moms hand only to jerk it back at how cold and dry her skin was. Tears weld at my eyes, I took a step back and another until I had reached the wall. I couldn’t cry, not now. I cant stay here any longer either.

I shook my head and ran out of the room, the tears that were threatening to spill over blurring my vision. I didn’t know where I was going, but I ran out of the room, out of the hospital. I ran and ran until my lungs burned and my legs gave away. I braced my self as I landed on the ground hard. My palms dug onto the dirt as I let my body tip to the side from the force of my sobs. I finally let go of everything and cried until everything went black.

??? POV

I turned up the radio singing along to King for a Day by Pierce the Veil. They were the most amazing band ever. I drove up the pathway to my house. I slammed on the brakes, my body jerking forward. I saw a girl a couple feet ahead of my car lying on the middle of the road.

What the hell? I thought, getting out of my car and walking towards her. She didn’t seem to be awake but I wondered how she ended up here.

“Hey are you okay?” I crouched down beside her moving away the mop of blonde hair. Tears stained her cheeks and had wet the ground below her that meant she must of cried a lot. She didn’t respond, I think she must have passed out. I picked her up and carried her back towards my car, lying her down on the back seat. I got on the drivers side and drove towards my house.

I know she wasn’t my problem, but I couldn’t leave her on the side of the rode.

Hey guys I FINALLY uploaded! Sorry for the reeeaaallllyyy long wait but I had a bit of a writers block and than school started and it was like bam! Test, homework, volley ball practice and volunteering at the hospital was just exhausting but I finally got a break and I promise I will make the next chapter longer and better! Cause I wrote this in my lunch hour so it’s a bit crappy and short. Sorry.

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