Back Again

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Skye's POV

I hate you, you hate me let's get together and kill Barney! I sang in my head as Maria drove me back to camp. I was dreading it, so I figured fantasizing about Barneys death would help. That or my moms magic unicorn Bob would come and save me.

Mom... That was another subject I was trying to file away in the corners of my mind. How could my own father lie to me like that? Make me believe my mother was dead? With the help of aunt Kari! Who of all people should of been against it! I growled lowly in my throat, gripping my legs tighter.

"We're here" Maria said. I grimaced as I looked at the group gathered at the front of the cabins. Great the whole fucking family had shown up.

I stepped out of the car, thanking Maria. She gave me a sympathetic smile and her phone number before driving away. I signed staring at the dust cloud that had risen up.

"Skye" Jade said placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. I stiffened at the act but soon relaxed as I realized it was my dear cousin. I turned around to face her as her arms enveloped me into a hug.


I heard Evans voice and soon instead of Jade's arms being wrapped around me, it was his. I buried my face in his chest trying to keep at bay the overflow of emotions. I wanted to cry, to scream, to be angry at them all and curse the very ground they walk on. But here in his arms it no longer felt as bad.


I watched Evan lead Skye into the cabin, giving out a long sigh. Too much drama, to much excitement has happened in the last few days.

"Jade... We have decided that it's time to disconnect Lola" uncle Jesse told us.

I leaned back against Xander chest, rubbing my templates. The headache that had over taken over head was slowly driving me nuts. They couldn't do this, no. We just found it she was alive and now they're taking her away again!

"No" I hissed out giving my so called parents and uncles the best glare possible.

"She's right, Skye and I are her daughters we should have a say in this!" Rouge shouted crossing her arms over her chest. Aaron was standing behind her, rubbing her sides slightly to get her to stay calm. Rouge wasn't the type to get angry easily but when she did, all hell was unleashed.

"Girls I am truly sorry about keeping this from you" my mom started to say, "but since all of this commotion we have also decided to take you guys out of camp a couple weeks early.

At that my body tensed up, leave? Leave Xander? Somehow the thought of leaving him and all the friends I've made me sick to my stomach. If it had been any other year I would of rejoiced, but I've grown to care for them all. I didn't want to leave.

"But Mom!" Nicole complained.

"It's decided Nicole, so you and all the others better start packing at once" aunt Heather snapped making us all go quiet and comply.

I walked away, towards the docks needing time to think. I heard footsteps following me but I didn't bother to look behind. I walked underneath the dock and sat down on top one of the rocks that laid at the rivers edge.


"why does every other sentence today have to start with Jade!" I snapped turning my head to see Xander. Of course, who else was moronic enough as to follow me. He didn't even seemed fazed, he just stood there looking down at me with his warm eyes.

"Go away will you?" I mumbled feeling my anger boil away.

"No" he answered sitting down beside me.

"And why not?" I asked.

"Because I like you, you know I like you. And you like me"

At that I was stunned yet again. Sure he was attractive but did I truly like him? Of course you do, you idiot you just don't want to admit it! I mentally scold myself.

"Fine" he said cupping the side of my face as he kneeled down in front of me. I gazed into his eyes realizing they weren't just green. They we're with flakes of blue and brown intertwined within. My eyes trailed to his lips subconsciously liking my own as he leaned in.

His lips pressed against mine, it wasn't fireworks like they describe in books. It was a thousand times better, as if my whole body had been caught in an electric charge that spread through out all of my body in a never ending cycle. It was a soft and gentle kiss, nothing more than his lips brushing against mine as if he was afraid I would pull away if he did more. But he didn't realize, I had fallen for him, and I couldn't deny it any longer.

"Xander I"

"Well well well isn't this lovely?"

I looked up too see...

Alright I uploaded!!!! It might not be long cause I wrote on my phone, while getting ready to have some family over! House full of Puerto Ricans will sure be interesting! Anyways I need a BOOK COVER!!!! If one of you can pretty please create one! Best one gets a dedication, and me fanning them! Happy new years!!

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