The Opening

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Trey's Pov

Today we are opening the doors of our art department. To be honest I'm anxious to see how it goes. We're running pretty late. I'm thinking about this and I feel someone grab my hand.

Armani:Ya ready

Me: Yes because I have you. You look amazing

Armani: thank you. You look great too

Driver: Mr and Mrs Neverson?

Us: Yes

Driver: We're here

Armani: Thank you

I grabbed her hand and we got out of the car. 

Armani's Pov

We got out and there were cameras and fans everywhere.

TMZ: Mrs. Neverson you look amazing. Who designed this dress

Me: I'm wearing Empress Noire by Achanté Davis

TMZ: You and Trey are very amazing together. What made yall decide to come up with this

Trey: Actually this is her idea. I just wanted to be here to support my wife 

Fans: Awwwwww

CBS: Trey how does it feel to be a married man

Trey: Simply Amazing. This woman standing next to me and our child we have together mean the world to me

CBS: So how is Little TJ

Me: He's great

Trey: He's actually very smart for his age

CBS: And how is that

Me: He smiles when you'll tell him things like I love you or he'll be a cuddle buddy when we're watching tv

Fan: I saw that and he's the cutest thing

Me: Thank you

TMZ: You two do realize that you have become the power couple that everyone loves and looks up to right

Us: Forreal?

Fans: Yes

CBS: Every woman either wants to be Armani or do what she does

TMZ: And every man wants what Trey Songz has waiting for him at home

Us: wow

Trey: now I know yall ready to come inside

Fans: Yessssss

Me: Let's go

Trey: Okay now if you're coming with me then stand over here

Me: if you come with me stand by me

I saw a bunch of dancers.

Me: How bout we start with the dance room

Fan: can you teach us a dance

That's the question of the day. It's been a while.

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