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Listed in oldest to youngest:

Terrence McGinnis

Age: 22

Cassandra Cain

Age: 21

Damian Wayne

Age: 18 and a half? Sure we'll go with that.

Timothy Drake

Age: 16

Stephanie Brown

Age: 15

Jason Todd

Age: 13

Richard Grayson



Batman and Robin just got back from patrol of Gotham City. Batman was driving the Batmobile into the Batcave faster than normal. Batman jumped out of the car and opened the door with the side Robin was in.

Bruce gently lifted the small acrobat (Ha, acroBAT!) out of his seat and over to the Batcave's medlab, a grimace fixed on his face. The worried father laid Dick onto a med table (Don't know what they are called... :P) and called for Alfred.

Dick's arm was swollen horribly and was twisted at an odd angle. The butler walked in, saw Dick's arm, and immediately began to work on making it better. Bruce wanted to stay, but had to enter the patrol report into the Batcomputer.

Dick had been asleep on the way home from patrol, not unconscious, so when he began to wake up Alfred was in the middle of bandaging his arm. "Ugh....I don't wanna get up......" Dick moaned softly. "You do not have to yet Young Master Richard," Alfred answered finishing the job.

"....good...."Dick mumbled in reply curling himself into a ball. Only wishing for sleep. Damian walked into the medlab seeing Dick curled into a tiny ball, his face screwed up in pain. "What happened to Grayson?" the older brother asked immediately.

"I am not completely aware of whom Master Bruce, and Master Richard fought, but he was left with a shattered arm," Alfred informed Damian. Damian grimaced and walked over to the baby bird. He ran his fingers through the thick black hair of his brother.

Dick stirred, but didn't awake. "I'm taking him to bed," Damian told his butler, then lifted Dick off the table and carried him up the stairs to the Manor. When Damian emerged from the Cave he saw Tim and Steph making their way to the Cave.

Damian tried to walk past without them noticing Grayson, but Steph being Steph saw Dick and grew worried. "What happened?" she asked. "I don't know, but once he is in bed, Father and I are going to have a nice long talk," Damian answered angrily.

"I can take Dick up stairs if you like," Steph offered. Damian gently gave the blonde haired girl their little brother. His eyelids opened a little as he was handed to Stephanie. He raised his head up a little, but was pushed back down onto her shoulder almost instantly.

"MMM .... am rănit ...." (MMM...I hurt....) he whispered. "Shh, e ok," (Shh, it's ok) she calmed him. "Sunt obosit," (I'm tired) Dick yawned. "Bineinteles ca sunt, te duc până la pat," (Of course you are, I'm taking you to bed) Steph told him with a small smile.

She then continued to carry him upstairs and laid Dick in the bed, pulling the blankets over the small body. Steph turned around to leave when Dick cried to her. "Nu! Vă rugăm să .... nu mă lași în pace," (No! Please....don't leave me alone) he whimpered.

"Nu voi Dickie," (I won't Dickie) she answered kindly running her fingers through his hair while taking a seat at the edge of the bed. "Nu voi." (I won't) Steph held his free hand to comfort Dick as he fell asleep.


I used GOOGLE translate for this, and it doesn't have Romany. So the closest thing it did have was Romanian. Sorry for that. Hope you liked and it'll really just be a bunch of age reversed one shots honestly. There are not enough of these on WATTPAD so I figured to just go ahead and write one to help that out. Vote and comment....I guess. It's a free webpage, do what you want.

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