Chapter Eleven: In Search of Far Away Places...

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            Where there once laid the bound, naked body of a young beautiful blonde on a steel operating table, there now was nothing more than white dust that glittered in gold and rainbow colors. The claw did its job: it triggered Genevieve's reincarnation process, although Genevieve – being the final reincarnated form of Sean Thomas – had no new body to reincarnate into. To be certain of this, Yve Ette waited for an hour to determine if an arm, leg, or eye would emerge from the remains. None did.

            "Now we can begin," she said with roguish delight.  

            She approached the human-shaped pile of dust on the table. She was on the verge of scooping some of it up with her hands until she stopped for a moment to smile and relish in the true vulnerability her foe was in.  

            Bending over with her face close to the dust, she whispered, "Genevieve? Honey? Can you hear me?" There was no response. She spoke to it as if there was an actual person there in front of her. "I know you probably can, even though I sound quite muffled to your non-existent ears. But I just want you to know how grateful I am for you donating your body to Skrull science...despite it being no decision of your own freewill."  

            Cackling with glee, Yve Ette proceeded in digging her right hand into the dust pile, scooping up a handful of it that she took away from the table and into the darkly lit laboratory. The design of the lab was as alien as the species that operated it. Scaly, organic dark green walls made up the room with a floor and ceiling to match. Each step that Yve Ette took felt as if she were walking inside of an inflatable structure, slightly bouncing and creating squishing noises beneath the soles of her boots.  

            Across from the operating table was a tall, cylindrical podium that possessed the same color and texture as the rest of the room. Yve Ette placed the handful of reincarnation dust on the top of the podium and cited a foreign incantation. The dust began to shift and mold itself into a new shape. The glow of the glitter encased with it grew brighter and golden mist seeped out. Within a minute, the dust had morphed into a living human organ...a brain...Genevieve's brain.  

            It pulsated like a heart, shrouded in a golden/rainbow-colored vapor of reincarnation energy.  

            Yve Ette harshly flicked at one of the lobes and the brain reacted, throbbing violently. The reaction brought out a thrilled guffaw from her. "Oh, she doesn't like that at all, does she?" She addressed a tall, imposing figure standing in a shadowed corner of the room. She could just make out its pointed ears from its eclipsed spot. "This is just a sample of what your technology can integrate into your biology."  

            "We only need a sample." The figure spoke in a deep, echoed voice that fit its hulking form.  

            "Then we let her keep the brain – heaven knows she'll need it once we're through with her." Yve Ette declared. "We'll take a more meaningless organ from her body, perhaps a kidney...or lung. That's all it will take to enable the integration, channeling all of her Guardian energy into the one piece of her."  

            "And what shall become of the specimen?"  

            Yve Ette glanced at the dust that remained on the operating table. "Her body will be reformed and dumped back somewhere on Earth. After what we'll have from her, she'll never be the powerful Guardian she once was. She'll be just like everyone else."  


            "Thanks for this, Mindy." Ciciley expressed her esteemed gratitude to the sorceress. "This is gonna provide us with an ass-load of help."  

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