Chapter 10: Thinking of You

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Maggie: The day Niall left was probably my worst day for shooting. I couldn't stay on subject. I didn't even understand why. I mean I had had dated, I guess you could say that, tons of guys for so much longer than Niall. Why was he so different. I mean these other guys I hadn't given a second thought. But Niall may even still be in the country for all I know. I mean I kept watching planes fly over the set, wondering if he was on it. It wasn't like I loved him. Okay, I don't believe in love. After all the experience I have acting, I know love is something created by Hollywood to make things in our world seem perfect. Well guess what it's not. Hense why something as perfect as love couldn't possibly exist. Call me heartless but it's the truth. Hate to burst your bubble kid.

But with Niall gone I felt different. Like I was alone. Alienated by everyone.

Niall: I didn't want to leave for once. I really didn't want to leave behind the something special Maggie and I had. I mean she was perfect. Everything I could have ever dreamed. Now something else I had chosen was pulling me away, kicking and screaming. I wished I could talk to her, face to face. And Skype just wouldn't cut it.

Maggie: I took a deep breath before speaking the line a third time to myself, "You and I are meant to be, Trace. I think you'll be perfect." I said this in a devious tone all villans in movies like this did. I brushed my hand up against the wall of my trailer, which when shot would be the cream toned wall of a victorian home. I waited a few second, which would be filled by me kissing the man who was playing Trace and a line before he would leave to go grab something to drink. Then I whispered into the wall just as I would while shooting, "I can't wait to see your ashes Victoria." My character had a way of naming every house according to their style. I think she was more in love with the houses than the men. Whatever. "I'm sure you'll have quite the firework display," I purred into the wall. Then I whipped around, facing a chair which would be similar to where Trace would be standing. "Trace. Let me help you with those," I said, grabbing an imaginary tray from an imaginary man's hands. I smiled. I nailed the scene. I turned on my radio.

Your insecure

Don't know what for

I shut off my radio. Time for time four.

Niall: I walked into the studio. "Hey Niall," Jess said when I walked in. She was sitting on the floor.

"Hey," I said. I smiled. Time to get some work done. I mean I couldn't stay hung up on leaving Maggie forever.

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