Chapter 4- Aquette

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Wiping away my tears, my eyes blurry and red, I tried to pull myself together. I would never forgive Philip for this. I just wanted to punch him, over and over and over until there was nothing left of him, just dust. But then I think, I loved him, and we thought it was going to be forever. I just don’t know what to feel. We could’ve had it all, but no, he goes and stomps on it. By caving in to his selfish, conceited hopes of making me immortal. Ugh, he just makes me so mad.

I raced out of the room, hurrying to the only person I knew could help me. Aquette. She was my best friend, and was always there for me, through the ups and downs. And she was really beautiful, too, with her naturally straight auburn hair and tan skin. A lot of guys liked her, even though she was oblivious half of the time. She was usually hanging around the cobblestone path at this time of day, so I headed straight there.

Turning the corner around a street vendor selling fresh cabbage and tomatoes, I ran into someone with a big green hat on.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry, mister! I had no clue you were trying to cross.”

He turned around, and turns our, it wasn’t a he. It was Harmonessa!

“Harmonessa!” I said, completely dumbfounded. She was such a girly girl, and she would never wear a dull green hat and anything black! I could barely recognize her, but I had known her for so long that I could spot those bright green eyes anywhere.

“Shhhh, I’m going incognito.”

“What? Are you insane?”

“No, keep it down! I’m trying to hide from Aquarius. We’re playing a game. And you know how competitive he is, so I’m determined to not let him win this time. He’ll never find me like this, and he has a big ego when it comes to this kind of thing, he’s always so used to winning. Well, I’m not going to give him the satisfaction like everyone else has. So help me out here, and tell me if you see him coming?” She whispered, looking around discreetly.

“I’m sorry, but I’ve gotta go see Aquette. I need to talk with her about something.”

“Oh okay, that’s fine… hey, have you been crying? You’re eyes look red. Is everything okay?”

“Honestly? No, I’m a wreck, but I can’t talk now. See you later, okay? And good luck with…… that.” I said, gesturing to her whole outfit. It still looked slightly disturbing on her; I was so used to seeing her in bright pink dresses and mounds of jewelry. 


I moved around her and swam to the cobblestone path, which was hidden from view from where I was, but I knew it was only a block away.


“Hey Aquette!” I said, trying to get her attention as I swam up to her.

“Oh hi, I didn’t know you were coming here. What’s up?”

“I just needed someone to talk to.”

“Did something happen?”

“Yeah, and you’re my best friend, so I was hoping you could help me, and even if you can’t at least listen, cause I don’t know what to do, and I’m freaking out.” I replied, blinking away tears.

“Okay, tell me everything that happened, from the beginning.”

“Well, you know how Philip and I were dating?”


“Well, he’s immortal, but you already know that. The problem is, he made me immortal too.”

“Oh my god, you’re immortal now? Wait, is that good or bad? Sorry, but that could be really sucky and really awesome at the same time….”

“Well, that’s what I was thinking about, but it’s mainly bad, cause now I’m gonna live forever, and life is just gonna get so old… boring, you know? Life will repeat itself over and over, and it’ll be so dull and pointless! The reason Philip wanted me to be immortal was so we could be together forever, which sounds good and all at first but when you think about it, it just gives us more time to make mistakes, have fights, and totally screws things up. It gives us more time to mess up our relationship, and I really hate him for it. And that’s not even the worst part.”

“What’s the worst?”

“He made me immortal in the most disturbing, sickening way. Using a needle! He’s so horrible! He knows how much I hate needles, and anything sharp and pointy! He injected this immortal goop of some kind into me, and – I’m sorry.” I broke out sobbing, not caring that everyone walking by stared at me like I was a freak. And I really was a freak now, thanks to him.

“Liana, I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?”

“I don’t know. I don’t think there’s much that any of us can do at this point. I mean, there’s no way to turn it back. I can’t un do what he did, making me immortal. There’s no medicine, goop, or anything to help me now. This is just so stupid.”

“I wish I could do something…”

“It’s fine. I just wanted to vent, I’m sorry.”

I felt her hand on my shoulder as I tried to hold in my tears. Why did life have to be so horrible?

“Well, you told me everything that’s going on with you, no matter how hard it was for you, so I think you deserve the same from me. I’d like a little help too.”

“Sure, anything to get my mind off of Phil.”

“Well, I like this guy, and I think he’s dating someone.”

“You like Caspian, right?”

“Yeah, I think I already told you.”

“Okay, so who’s he dating?”

“Well, I don’t know for sure, but I think he’s datingPearl. I know you’re friends with her, but she’s been really mean to me, and I just can’t believe he’d even consider dating someone as horrible as her. How do you stand her?”

“Well, she can be annoying sometimes, she has a thing for calling people fat lizards…. I don’t even want to know where she got that from, and she’s clingy too. If you say hi to her, she automatically thinks you’re all buddy buddy with her…. But she’s nice enough I guess… What happened with you two?”

“Uh…. It’s nothing, I’ll tell you later. It was really bad, what she did to me, I don’t really wanna talk about it right now.”

“Um, okay, so you like him and he’s dating your enemy, that kinda sucks… but what are you gonna do about it?”

“Well, he doesn’t know I like him, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t like me back, plus he may or may not be dating her, I was hoping you could go up to him and find out if he’s dating Pearl or not. If he is, maybe tell him that’s shes not a good idea without being too gossipy, ya know? But, if he’s not, then find out if he likes me back, I guess? I don’t really know exactly, but I guess it could be a start.”

“Sure, I’d be glad to help.”  I said, smiling.


I'm going to sumer camp for a week starting on sunday, so I won't be on wattpad until I get back. here's another chapter for you guys to read until then, I don't want you to get bored! (: Hope you like it 

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XOXO Felicity <3

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