Chapter 1 - Suspects

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I woke up early in the morning, my chest sore.

 "God, what happened?" I exclaimed, as I rubbed my chest. It was pink, and hurt quite a lot. I hope I wasn't getting some sort of disease.

 Not wanting to wait any longer for my date with Philip, I quickly slipped on my nearly sheer pink dress, and curled my long blonde hair, cut in layers. After adding the finishing touches with clips and bobby pins of sorts, I did a 360 in front of my bedroom mirror.


 I bid my family my goodbyes, promising them to be back by lunch, and swam up through the clear, beautiful blue green water I was so used to. Passing by many colorful fish, all differing from each other, I said hello and propelled myself faster to the top, picturing Philip in my mind, in all his glory, with his beautiful smile and sweet personality, always caring for me. True, he was immortal, but he wasn't much different than normal guys out there. Although he was human, my love for him never faded, ever since I was 13, first meeting him and knowing he was the guy for me. I had ventured up to land when he was skipping rocks on the water, and one had hit me on the head, and he helped me up, but screamed when he saw my tail. Oh well. Couldn't blame the poor guy. But, now that he was my boyfriend, none of that mattered.

 Popping my head above the surface of the water, creating a circle of waves around me, I scanned all across the shore, trying to spot him. I didn't see him at first, but then there he was, lying against the palm tree a few feet away, looking as great as ever, but slightly guilty. Weird.

 Coming out towards him, my blue shining tail transformed quickly into legs, which always happened whenever I came out of water. It was very convenient, if I still had my tail above water this relationship wouldn't have worked at all.

 I waved to Philip, and he waved back, smiling. I sat down beside him, feeling the gritty bark against my back.

  "Okay, what's up?"

 He looked at me, trying to fake a clueless look, something he was really bad at.

 "Come on. You seem.... weird."

 "It’s nothing." He said quickly, flustered.

 "Fine, don't tell me, if you're really fine then act like it. You seem guilty, almost..... Let's just have fun, okay?"

 "Yeah...." He said, still having a sheepish look on his face. God, what was up with him today?

 Just let it go, Liana.

 He kept looking down, so I leaned over and kissed him gently, trying to loosen things up. As I pulled away he smiled.


 “So, I was thinking that we should go on a date soon, maybe to a movie, or even a concert if there’s one nearby. We haven’t been on a date in a few weeks, you’ve been so busy…”

 “I’m sorry; I had some things I had to do.” And then he looked down, getting that guilty look again.

 “Phil, are you cheating on me?”

 “What no! What are you talking about?” He nearly shouted at me, looking surprised. Maybe I was wrong about all this, but it sure seemed likely he was cheating on me. The guilty looks, him always being busy.

 “But when I came up to see you, you just seemed really guilty about something, and I can’t wipe that look off your face, even with a kiss. I don’t like having a shady boyfriend. We tell each other everything. You know everything about me, my flaws and all. Please, I’m dying here. If you’re cheating on me with another, prettier mermaid….. or even a human, I-“

 He cut me off.

 “I’m not seeing another girl, Liana. Seriously. I’ll tell you soon enough, I just need to get all my thoughts together. I don’t know how to tell you yet, but it’s not anything like that.”

“Fine. You win. What do you wanna do?”

“I don’t really know, but I’m glad you’re here.”

“We could-“

 I heard a yell coming from deep under the water, making both our heads swivel to the sound.

“What was that?” Philip asked, sounding genuinely worried. He was such a great guy.

“It sounded like my dad, kind of…. I’m sorry, I really need to see what’s going on. But I’ll see you soon?”


As I walked reluctantly towards the waves, not wanting to leave Phil, even in his secretive state, my dad yelled again, at least I think it was my dad…

I plunged in, taking a dive into the warm water, which I had left not all too long ago.


“What’s wrong, Dad?”

“I was just calling your name. You’re not gonna like this, but we found a syringe lying next to your bed, with a few drops of some peculiar…. Green substance, I guess. I was cleaning out your room a little after you had left, and I saw it and called for my friend, who specializes in identifying chemicals and whatnot. He said it was a rare liquid that, when injected into someone, made them immortal, and you could never change it back.”

“Does that mean…..” I faltered. I was immortal? How? This wasn’t happening… It didn’t even make sense.”

“We don’t know for sure, but since it was next to your bed, it’s likely you’re immortal, but the person who injected it into you must’ve been very stealthy last night, as I was awake very late. I wish I could’ve heard whoever the intruder was. I’m sorry Liana.”

“No….. Who did this to me?”

“That’s for you to figure out. You probably know this person. I doubt a total stranger would just come in and make you immortal, that’s just… I don’t know. But you should talk to anyone you know and ask around. They’ll deny it, almost definitely, but it’s worth a try.”

“I…….. Okay. Bye.”

“I’m sorry, sweetie.”

I walked away, with mixed emotions. Being immortal could be a good thing, right? I would live forever, and I have time to do amazing things I couldn’t do all in 100 years. But, it’d get so boring and dull…. Who did this?

I felt a surge of anger rush through my body, and I picked up my pace, determined to find this horrible person. They must be so selfish, to do this. To freaking use a syringe and shoot green stuff into me? It’s sickening.

Wait..... Phil said he was busy last night, well, for the past week, and he sure was acting like a suspect, guilty and ashamed...

I swam furiously up to the surface, just imagining what I’d to Philip if I was right.


I'm starting to really love this story. I have it all planned out, and I'll be giving you guys flashbacks to reveal more about her character, growing up and falling in love with Philip. (: I also might include diary entries, but I don't know yet. I hope you liked it! 

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XOXO Felicity

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