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I was pacing around the room nervously . It was the same room as last time but this time I was alone and everything was greyer.suddenly the door burst open and the same ginger haired girl was carelessly thrown in. In the last dream/memory what ever it was, the girls looked about 11 years old , they looked happy and so full of life. But now they had permanent frowns on their faces and looked to be about 14.
The ginger/kelci walked over to her bed and sat cross legged staring at the wall. Since we had bunks she was on the top. I copied her position on my bed. After a while of silence I broke it, like I was being controlled the words flowed out of me.
"Did you pass?"
All she did was scoff and shuffle from above.
"I don't think you should be worryin 'bout me."
"What do you mean?"
Pass what? And why should I not worry?
"Let's just say our good 'old buddy mr. Rat face won't be walking straight for a good couple 'o weeks."
Just then the door burst open and a man in a full suit of protective gear and a gun came to take her away.
Everything turned white and I was put into another dream.
"Miss claire, you will demonstrate your capabilities to our lovely guests here. Now, try anything like kelci and you will be given the same punishment."
This time I was over looking the scene.
I was still about 14 and we stood in a large gym with obstacles and targets. Straight ahead lie a large glass wall with people behind it watching me. A lady with a very professional looking outfit with her hair pulled back into a tight bun, sat with guards and others in white uniforms. A man stood in front of younger me with crutches under his arms , pain clearly written on his face. He had a long pointy nose an beady eyes. His face looks just like a rat.
When the man with rat like features informs younger me of her friends punishment she immediately stood taller and stiffened, breathing in sharply and looking straight ahead not meeting anyone's eyes. Rat man walked off and motioned for the guards to come forward. Four guards approached her. The first guard threw a knife at her while the other three reached for their weapons. She caught the knife in her hand and threw it back to the guard , stabbing him in the eye. He fell to the ground and lay motionless.
She just killed someone!!
I-I just killed someone!!
But she just keeps attacking and defending while more and more guards come at her.
When the guards finally stopped coming she stood in the middle of the gym, chest heaving with blood covering her hands and torso. Dead body's lay around her. As she just stands there emotionless.
Rat man comes back in and the sound of his crouches clacking on the floor filling the now quiet room, he has a creepy grin that outlines his rat like features more than ever.
"Well done Claire! I must say I didn't expect you to do this well."
She slowly lifted her head to meet his eyes. His smile faded a bit at the murderess glare she gave him .
"Y-you made me this."
She growled
"You made me into a monster!"
She was now yelling at him. He stepped back only to step forward again and get into her face.
"Now now Claire, you don't wanna end up like poor little kelci do you?
I herd she won't even eat anymore.
So Just imagine how you would take it."
She clenched her jaw as tears threatened to spill.
"Are you crying? I thought we taught you to be stronger than that!"
Rat man shouts in her face and stabs her lower abdomen with a knife I hadn't notice he had. She fell to her knees . As two guards came and lifted her by her shoulders and dragged her out she began shouting.
"Shh claire, struggling only makes it worse."
but I continued to scream as someone shouted my name.
I woke up screaming and slashing and grabbing anything in reach.
I yelled as someone grabbed my wrist making me stop slashing.
"Claire! It's all right. Your okay it's just was just a dream."
I was shaking uncontrollably and my breaths were raged. Newt sat in front of me looking into my eyes worry evident on his face.
"I'm sorry. Uh, bad d-dreams."
He loosened his grip on my wrists and sat back with a sigh.
"It's okay a lota greenies have nightmares there first night."
"What time is it?"
Newt checked his watch.
"Shuck it's only 1 in the bloody moring."
I felt really bad for waking up newt.
"I'm sorry for waking you."
"No no it's okay love, it's not your fault."
It's a good thing it's dark so he can't see how much I blushed when he called my love. I know it's probably just cause of his accent , but damn!
Newt stood up and walked over to his bed and sat on the edge facing me.
I immediately felt colder from the lack of body heat.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah I'm f-fine just a little cold that's all."
I gave him a small fake smile and wrapped my sleeping bag around my shoulders.
"Would you like to sleep on the bed?"
"No! It's your bed I'm good here on the floor."
But I guess newt is one of those people who don't take no for an answer, he picked me up bridal style and set me down on the side of the bed nearest the wall and flopped down next to me.
"Good night Claire."
I was still in shock from his strength and the fact that I'm sleeping in the same bed with a stranger.
"G-Good night newt."
He must have thought I was stuttering because I was cold so he turned around facing me and pulled me into his chest.
I could feel his abs against my chest because of the size difference my head was just above his shoulders.
"Do you do this for all the greenies?"I smirked against his chest.
"Just the pretty ones."
Did he just? He just called me pretty!
I'm sure he can probably feel my cheeks flushing right now.
"Love, I can feel your blush."
He giggled and after a while I could hear his snores.
I tried to move away so I can sleep on the floor but newts grip around my waist tightened and pulled me closer.
I sighed and excepted that I will have to wait until he lets go. But I didn't really last long before I drifted off to sleep. And this time with no nightmares.
I woke up in newts arms wrapped tightly around my waist and his chin on my head. He was snoring lightly and his chest rising and falling against mine. This is something I could wake up to every morning. I closed my eyes because I wasn't really ready to wake up yet, tired from my dreams.
I was half asleep when someone knocked on the door.
"Get up shuck faces!"
When nobody answered, the door opened. Minho stood at the door with his jaw to the floor.
"Alby! Gally! Come check this out!"
And sure enough alby and gally
we're standing at the door with Minho who was now laughing tremendously.
Newt groaned and hugged me tighter and stirring around. I was pressed up against his bare chest and our legs were tangled together, but you couldn't see them because the blanket went up to our hips.
"Aww they look so cute!" Minho.
Newt stirred more before opening his eyes.
"He- what the shuck get out!"
He yelled at the boys as I slowly sat up and looked at them
Minho looked like he was about to explode from laughing too hard and gally was smirking and even alby looked amused.
"You love birds get up Claire's got the tour in ten minutes." Alby informed and walked off gally following.
"You guys do look really cute tho, it's gross." Minho scrunched his face in disgust and left.
"Great way to wake up." I groaned getting up of the bed .
Newt just laughed.
He was staring at me and I started to feel self conscious. He was staring at my bare legs when I realized how short I cut my pants.
"I uh, need pants."
Newt looked away and cleared his throat blushing.
"Yeah you can wear some of mine."
He walked over to a chest and pulled out a pair of brown cargo pants.
He pulled out another shirt and put it on. I quickly put on the pants when he was turned around. I grabbed my brown combat boots and put my hair up in a high pony tail and waited for newt.
We walked out of his room and walked to get breakfast.

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