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When we got our food we sat at a table with Minho alby and gally.
It was quiet until Minho started being an ass.
'So you two huh?'
He said pointing at us with his fork smirking.
'What do you mean?'
That's right Claire act innocent...
'Well you were sleeping in the same bed... Cuddling.'
Alby said entering the conversation.
'She had a bloody nightmare.'
Newt tried defending us.
'So you slept with her?'
Gally asks smirking.
Mine and newts eyes go wide and we both yell a 'no' at the same time.
They burst out laughing again until alby goes serious again.
'So you'll get the tour today. I'll be showin' you around and explain the rules and all that Klunk.'
I just nodded.

We ate our breakfast and parted Minho going to the maze, gally going to boss around the builders, me and alby to go start the tour and newt... To do whatever newt does.
Alby started by telling me how the glade is split into four parts, the gardens, the homestead, the bloodhouse and the dead heads. The dead heads is pretty much the graveyard. It's a forest with thick trees and graves of the dead gladers. It's also where I saw her...
'So the homestead is where we eat and sleep and where we keep the injured.' Alby interrupted my thoughts.
We finished our tour at the east wall with a bunch of names scratched into it, some names were scratched out. It was near dinner time and the 'runners' as alby explained, just returned.
Alby handed me a knife and smiled.
'Your one of us now.'
If I carve my name in it means I'm one of them. But do I want to? Do I want to trust them?
'Before you carve your name you have to promise to follow our rules.
1, never harm another glader we need to have order here. 2, do your part. And most importantly , although you already broke this rule, never step foot outside these walls. You know what it's like.'
I sighed and turned back to the wall.
I began carving my name.
I stepped back to admire my art.
As I looked around at the names of every glader my eyes caught a specific one.
I chucked and pointed to it.
'What GUY would have the name kelci...' I trailed of when I saw the look of confusion on albys face as he step forward for a closer look. His brows furrowed, then it hit me like a truck.
I gasped and fell backwards panting on the ground. My dreams popped into my head and I reached down to lift my shirt.
A scar
In the exact place rat man had stabbed me.
Kelci. The red hair.
She's here.
She's here!
'Shes here.'
I looked up to alby who was staring at me.
'I-I s-she.'
I couldn't speak.
This is too much.
I got up an ran to the deadheads. I think alby chased me but I'm too fast for him. I ran for a while before finding a tree and climbing it.
I climbed up high enough that you couldn't see me from the ground.
I sat on a branch and leaned against the base of the tree, bringing my knees to my chest and putting my head down letting my hair fall in front of my face.
What the hell is going on!
Okay, let's think everything over.
I got sent up in a strange metal box with no memory's, ran into a maze with man eating creatures called grievers, came back, had some memory's of a girl, and now that girl is here with me... I think.
Why! What did I do to get put here!
Where is here !!
The tour didn't help at all.
I screamed out in frustration while pulling at the roots of my hair.
'Don't think too hard er els you're face'll get stuck like that. And you'll go bald.'
I shot my head up and gasped.
'K-kelci? How'd you get here?! Who are you? Who am I?' I began shooting questions. Completely ignoring the fact that I don't know anything about her and she just magically appeared without me hearing. A ginger haired girl with freckles and a nose piercing sat crouched in front of me.she wore a blue button up top with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, which was tucked into a belt that held up her pants that looked too big for her. All her clothes looked too big for her except her combat boots. She also had brown gauze rapped around both her fore arms looking like a cast.
'Whoa! Jeez I thought you would've stopped with the questions after grampa gave you the tour.'
I was in shock.
'Do they know your here?'
'How long have you been here?'
'3 years'
3 years?!
'And no gladers have ever seen you?'
'Well, I've had a few close calls. But nothing a good 'ol whack upside the head couldn't fix.'
'Okay, wait a minute. Who are you?'
She sighed and sat back. She was crouching in front of me on the branch with her arms resting on her knees.
'As you know I'm kelci. Your- your best friend. From before this.'
'How do you know? Do you have all your memories?!'
A spark of hope coursed through me. If she has memories she might be able to help us get out of here!
But when I looked at her my smile faded.
'No.. well not the memories that your hoping for I- they won't help.'
'What do you mean?'
'Just shut up.'
She chuckled and hugged me.
Then it all came back.
'I remember you!'
I pulled away and we were both smiling.
'Yeah! Well I remember that your my best friend, I don't remember anything els. And I don't have memories of us together just quick little glimpses.'
'That's good enough for me!'
I laughed and so did kelci.
'Man, I haven't laughed in a while...'she sighed looking down.
I looked up at her.
'Will you come back with me? To the glade?'
She scoffed and looked up at me.
'With those shanks? Huh, no thanks.'
'Wait you use there words?'
She scratched the back of her neck.
'Heh, yeah after a while it just kinda sticks, it'll happen to you too.'
'Great' -sarcasm-

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